HARDENED or SOFTENED…How will the Gov. Respond?


Albuquerque NM- Over the past four years, members of Protest ABQ have met with Gov. Martinez and given her clear steps to take to curb abortions in the state.

Since her re-election in November New Mexicans are concerned more than ever about her silence and inaction concerning pre-born child killing.  For more information about Protest ABQ’s focus on Gov. Martinez read this great article by Cosmopolitan: New Mexico governor Susana Martinez has come under fire from anti-abortion groups for not doing enough to help their cause.

Gov. Martinez’s Inaugural events kicked off with a homecoming gala in Las Cruces, New Mexico. A group of activists in Las Cruces, NM who are equally tired of the Governor’s silence and who were inspired by Protest ABQ decided to “crash” her homecoming celebration. Read the full report by FGGAM here: Silence Is Consent: Las Cruces Group “Crashes” Gov. Martinez Homecoming Party

Protest ABQ kicked off New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day protests in Santa Fe, New Mexico where a group of devout Catholics joined Gov. Martinez for Mass at The Cathedral Basilica.


Fr. Stephen Imbarrato founder and Director of Protest ABQ issued the following statement,

“Protest ABQ protested Gov Martinez last night and then prayed for her at the Mass she was at. Yes we seriously need to pray for her conversion. I can’t help when seeing all this and reflecting on the past year with her, how much she and her political group are like the Pharisees…no matter what is revealed to them and how often, their hearts are so hardened, they refuse to change. I know for sure, because the truth is written on the hearts of man, that when they put their heads on the pillow at night, they know the truth, yet they allow earthly ambitions to rob them of the strength to say…’no more, I cannot live this lie anymore.’ It is sad. We continue to pray and we will tonight… for souls in mortal sin receive no grace from blessings et al…these conversions must come from some miraculous act of God, so let us pray for that miracle.”

On New Year’s Day Protest ABQ was once again in Santa Fe for Gov. Martinez’s swearing in ceremony and public reception.


Protest ABQ wrapped up New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day protests at Gov. Susana Martinez’s “New Mexico True Inaugural Ball” hosted by ABQ Mayor Richard J. Berry.


Protest ABQ received the following report from someone who attended Gov. Martinez’s Inaugural Ball:

“You all were the topic of conversation at every table! Great job!
I can’t tell you how many times I heard attendees mention the signs, I lost focus and couldn’t carry conversations with most people because I would start listening to other conversations around me when they brought you up. The presence Protest ABQ has is amazing! And so powerful!

People were shocked and pissed to see you there but a huge statement was made. Very impressive.

I hope you still have your fingers and toes.

God Bless you and happy new year!”

Protest ABQ hold’s New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez responsible for the current “Wild Wild West” reputation of New Mexico, where anything goes when it comes to abortion in our state.

For more information about Late-Term Abortion in Albuquerque click here: Important Facts about Abortion in New Mexico and Abortion Abuses

Protest ABQ has big PROTEST plans for 2015 find out more information about the first EVER National Call To Action: National Protests and National Strike Jan. 22-23, 2015 and how you can join us in this new year here: www.ProtestABQ.com

National Strike front

Protest ABQ is a peaceful protest campaign launched to educate and stand against the injustice of abortion, through a strategic and sustained presence. We strive to reach deeper into our community and educate Albuquerque and New Mexico residents on what abortion really is. Protest ABQ is committed to end ‘Preborn’ Child Killing in ABQ and in NM. We protest most weekdays and every weekend!


New Mexico’s Cloud of Death

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