More Dysfunction in New Mexico Government: Unbalanced Check Book! 100 Million in Red!


Stack of cashFrank Haley of KDAZ news and Pastor Dewey report for FGGAM: Whose in Charge?  Shame!

Do you Balance your check book, apparently the state of New Mexico does not do that!! Can’t do the basic things? How you gonna run the State?

Whose representing us taxpayers??

Okay Republicans, it took a Democrat to figure we have a problem?

New Mexico’s new state auditor Tim Keller, who took office Jan. 1, says New Mexico is not just 18 months behind on completing a federal audit, but New Mexico is $100 million in the RED. Keller said the state’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, which goes to federal agencies, hasn’t been done since the 2013 report was filed. AND He says a new report will likely show that the state has lost at least $100 million. He says, “The short story is that the state is not balancing its checkbook.”

“The Treasurer has one set of books, and the Department of Finance has another set of books and…… they don’t match.”

The root cause of the issue, he said, is accounting software the state bought eight years ago.

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