Abortion At 30 Weeks in ABQ Divides a UK Family


The Pro-Life community from all across the world came together in solidarity, prayer, and action to help a divided family from the United Kingdom. The grandmother and uncle (of the baby) being pro-life urgently sought help due to the fact that a young woman 20 years of age was coming to Albuquerque, New Mexico to seek an abortion at 30 weeks of pregnancy. According to the family members… this 20 year old woman simply didn’t want to be inconvenienced with a baby! The woman traveled with her radically pro-abortion father by her side.

The girls mother sought help within the UK and then Priests For Life became involved once the woman was on her way to the United States.

Janet Morana Executive Director of Priests For Life issued the following statement,

“Urgent prayer needed! A 20-year-old woman from Great Britain is on her way to New Mexico to abort her baby. She is 30 weeks pregnant. Her mother in Great Britain and her uncle in Spain have reached out to Priests for Life for our help and prayer. She is in Atlanta now, aware that she and her father will be prosecuted when they return home, because it is illegal in the UK to go to another country for an abortion. She is going to pay $12,000 to kill this almost full-term baby at Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque on Tuesday. Please pray for Emily and her baby.”

Fr. Stephen Imbarrato Director of Protest ABQ who has also been a Pastoral Consultant for Priests For Life became involved in the tense situation as the young woman headed to Albuquerque. Fr. Imbarrato worked tirelessly with the family to make the best resources available to this young woman and her father. Fr. Imbarrato even made arrangements with Kathy DiFiore who was willing to fly them both to her maternity home, Several Sources Shelters in New Jersey. The recent hit movie GIMME SHELTER featured the amazing ministry of Kathy DiFiore.

Unfortunately it appears that the young mother did end up killing her child despite all of our best efforts. Please keep her and her family in your prayers, they will need your prayers now more than ever. A sidewalk conselor shared this on her facebook page late this afternoon:

“It breaks my heart to tell you that it seems Emily went through with the abortion. Every possible effort was made by our pro-life community to save this baby & her mother from the pain abortion WILL cause her.”


               Protest ABQ tried everything…including sending APD and the US Marshals into the clinic!

“If you would, please continue to pray. Because Emily was 30 weeks along, she will need to return to the clinic tomorrow to have her cervix artificially softened in order to deliver her dead baby. She will labor as if she is full term & her as if her baby were alive. I cannot fathom how painful this will be. Not to mention the lifetime of regret & suffering Emily will endure because of this choice.”

“My hope now is that the Lord will use this to draw this family to Himself for their salvation & healing. God help us.”

Fr. Imbarrato Founder of Protest ABQ who has been in contact with this woman’s family members since Friday issued the following statement at a high profile protest out at the late-term “abortion” Killing Center, Southwestern Women’s Options,

“New Mexicans will not stand idly by while this woman seeks an unnecessary procedure at 30 weeks of pregnancy. It is imperative now more than ever that both Governor Martinez and Mayor Berry do everything in their power to stop this killing. We continue to call for action from these two who claim to be pro-life but have done nothing to prove it.”


Read more coverage from FGGAM here: URGENT PRAYER: UK Woman Coming To ABQ To Kill Her Child at 30 Weeks!


Interview on Late Term Abortion with Fr. Stephen Imbarrato & Tara Shaver

Report: New Mexico is America’s Second-Most Dangerous State

For more information about Late-Term Abortion in Albuquerque click here: Important Facts about Abortion in New Mexico and Abortion Abuses

Protest ABQ hold’s New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez responsible for the current “Wild Wild West” reputation of New Mexico, where anything goes when it comes to abortion in our state. Read the following report from FGGAM: HARDENED or SOFTENED…How will the Gov. Respond?

Protest ABQ has big PROTEST plans for 2015 find out more information about the first EVER National Call To Action: National Protests and National Strike Jan. 22-23, 2015 and how you can join us in this new year here: www.ProtestABQ.com

National Strike front

Protest ABQ is a peaceful protest campaign launched to educate and stand against the injustice of abortion, through a strategic and sustained presence. We strive to reach deeper into our community and educate Albuquerque and New Mexico residents on what abortion really is. Protest ABQ is committed to end ‘Preborn’ Child Killing in ABQ and in NM. We protest most weekdays and every weekend!


  1. this is senseless killing of a baby! This baby is viable and would survive if given a chance to be BORN. Why not go through labor and delivery and then put this baby up for adoption? What a gift of life instead of a murder. I was conceived in rape yet my birthmother gave birth to me. I was adopted into a loving family and I love my life. This is just so sad and so very wrong.

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