Wrestling Christmas


Note from Pastor Dewey Moede: The following story is about a hero of mine Richard (Rick) Griffin of Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is written by a former High School wrestler Gary Washington, who was coached by Richard at Bossier Louisiana High School. Richard, or as I know, him, Rick, is an outstanding role model for us all! I first met Rick when I was going through a tough time and he encouraged me so much and he still does to this day! We need more Rick Griffin’s in this world!

From Gary Washington

There ARE still Good things happening…in America.

This is one of my many, recent experiences (Thank GOD)–On November 8th, 2014, I was Blessed to attend the Bossier Louisiana  High School Alumni Association Sport and Spirit Hall of Fame induction of Wrestling Coach/Richard Griffin and seven other inductees.

I’m sure that most of you readers have encountered someone that has impacted your Life in such a way that it resonates like a continuously welcomed tone every day of your life. Making you thankful to GOD and to the individual that was obedient to carrying out GOD’s mission for them in your life.

One of those BLESSINGS for me and my teammates, on the BHS wrestling team back in the early 80’s, is (Coach) Richard Griffin. Coach was more like having another caring, older brother that was on a mission! That ‘mission’ was to share a drive to be the best that you can and being good and decent along that journey.

Something he received from his encounters with those that GOD BLESSED him with during his formative years in sports (namely in Football and later, Wrestling while attending high school at Bossier High).

Richard Griffin article
He has been in a “Pay It Forward” mode every since he won a state title in wrestling his senior year at Bossier High (’79).

Returning as a head coach at the age of 19, the following year, he was determined to give at least ‘one’ somebody that ‘feeling’…that “Lightening In A Bottle” that he earned when he stood atop the #1 Spot his senior year at that year’s state wrestling tournament.

It took a few years, but Coach ‘Ricky’ passed on that ‘feeling’ to most, if not ALL of those he coached before moving to New Mexico. His last two years coaching at Bossier High School produced a 23-1 dual match record (1983-84).

The 1983 team posted an undefeated season (12-0) that hasn’t been matched at that school in 31 years and counting! We, collectively, experienced that “Lightening In A Bottle” that year!!!

Richard GriffinHis coaching produced several multi-year Regional Champions and at least 1 State Champion during his tenure at Bossier High School. I can vouch for the team with expressing our gratitude, to GOD and to Coach Ricky’s Obedience To GOD’S Mission for him in each of our lives.

I’ll end this with an excerpt from his acceptance speech at the Bossier High School Alumni Association Sport & Spirit HOF Induction…His ‘Coaching’ Philosophy (paraphrased):

“We talked to everybody we know about how to ‘lie, cheat & steal’….we asked every wrestler to go home and go to bed–before you go to bed, I want you to ‘lie’ there and I want you to think about your Dreams and Goals…your Aspirations…where you Really want to be and Why do you want to do This.
And I want you to come to practice Tomorrow…and I want you to ‘cheat’ yourself out of some of your personal time…I want you to ‘cheat’ yourself out of some of the luxuries that other kids might be enjoying because your are Sacrificing….And I want you to ‘steal’ the Very Best ideas you can…and if you can master ‘lie, cheat and stealing’, then you are going to be Okay!
GOD Bless You and Thank You Very Much!”

GOD BLESS You, Coach and We Thank You so Very Much! This induction was Well-Earned!

(Team Work makes the Dream Work)

Gary Washington
(Hall Of Fame Vid that I put together of some of what got Richard Griffin into the BHS SPORT & SPIRIT HOF!)

From Pastor Dewey Moede:

Richard (Rick) Griffin is a strong supporter of FGGAM. He calls For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, “A difference maker”

Merry Christmas to you, Rick and your lovely wife Margaret and your whole family! You all mean the world to us! We thank our Lord for you all!!In Jesus name, we pray, Amen!

I want to thank Gary Washington for writing this tremendous tribute to Rick! We love you Gary!

I am praying that a book and movie are to follow!

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