Quote of The Day: Renounce your faith in Jesus Christ, we will burn you until you become a Muslim…..


Philip from Sudan in 1996:

The guards picked up a burning log from the fire.

“Renounce your faith in Jesus Christ!” they commanded. “We will burn you and cut you until you become a Muslim.”

Philip had been taken to a military barracks along with thirty-five other Christians. Islamic officials began to beat them and curse them.

For 11 days, Philip and several of his friends were bound, beaten, and burned as government soldiers tried to convert them to the Islamic faith.

None of the twelve women survived the torture.

Philip told reporters: “My faith was very strong when they burned me. I prayed, ‘God I will never forget you.’ I refused to be a Muslim because I knew God was with me.”

The Bible tells us everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 2 Tim. 3:12.

From the book, “Jesus Freaks dc Talk and the Voice of the Martyrs” persecution

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