Iranian Hackers Launching Worldwide Attacks


Iranian Cyberwar (GRAPHIC)US cyber security firm Cylance issued a report this week showing that hackers from the Islamic Republic of Iran are waging a massive campaign of cyber warfare against Western countries as well as their Arab neighbors, Israel and even China and East Asia. Favorite targets of Iranian hackers are aerospace firms, airports and airlines, universities, energy firms, hospitals, and telecommunications operators, with systems in dozens of countries around the world attacked. “We believe that if the operation is left to continue unabated, it is only a matter of time before the team impacts the world’s physical safety,” Cylance said. In related news, the American defense giant Lockheed Martin announced this week that it will join an Israeli non-profit called the CyberSpark Industry Initiative. The Initiative, based at the Advanced Technologies Park in Beer-Sheva, is designed to promote collaboration between government agencies, universities and the private sector in battling against cyber crime, espionage and other shared concerns. Read More

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