Another story as why American is sliding into the pit of hell…….EDUCATION without GOD ALMIGHTY!
We have the story out of Rio Rancho, New Mexico where a students wrote a paper on Jesus giving marijuana to the sick. New Mexico’s children are dying of drug overdoses, read on……..
Marijuana – The Devil’s Weed?
The United Healthcare Foundation has their latest rankings out: The higher the ranking number the worse the condition: New Mexico is 45th in the nation in High School graduation. ONLY 74% of incoming 9th graders are graduating in New Mexico. Why can’t people see the failed practices of Republicans and Democrats??? Teach kids about God! The Bible! No matter who you stick in that Governors chair and in the Legislature New Mexico gets the same results when it comes to Education: F
I think Forrest Gump should run for Governor of New Mexico, he gets it, saying, ” Stupid is as stupid does”
Keep God out……..same results…….stupid and sinful.
It is because God has been kicked out of the classroom, yes I know that is simple of an answer for many! We are losing generation after generation because of politics and no GOD!
These new stats were published in the Albuquerque Journal this morning:
DRUG RELATED DEATHS in New Mexico: 49th in the United States of America! Shame on New Mexico! 24.8 per 100,000 population.
CHILD POVERTY in New Mexico: 48th in the United States, remember the higher the number the worse the condition and the last time I checked the United States has 50 States! 28.7% of children live in poverty in the so called “land of enchantment”
Read God’s book and find out what He says about His children.
I have said for the last 20 some years…this is not a political problem, this is a GOD problem, this is what you get when you have an unGodly society, a society that does not know Jesus Christ, that does not know God’s Word.
America!!! I shout from the rooftops, “Don’t you see the proof in the pudding of your failures?”
Read this please:
Are You Comfortable or Courageous? Which One Are You?

Oh how messed up we have become as a people! Talk about weakness! The University of Maine will allow the halls to be decked with candy canes, after all.
I would pull my kids out of this school!
Don’t thses folks have enough to worry about, like EDUCATION?
After an administrator sent out an e-mail to employees telling them “religious-themed” decorations — which he said included the peppermint confections — could not be placed in common areas on campus, students went into an uproar. And they got their Christmas wish.
School officials told that the incident was a misunderstanding and that the e-mail was sent out by a supervisor after a student had voiced concern over Christmas decorations in a dining hall and a lack of decorations for holidays of other religious faiths.
“We are not the Grinches of Maine, Dean of Students Robert Dana told “It was a big misunderstanding. The e-mail was in response to an issue a student had raised. His intent was to be inclusive.”
Dana adds that that no holiday decorations, including candy canes, have been removed from campus.
“The University of Maine is a place where we welcome every faith tradition, and we welcome displays of those faith traditions,” Dana said.
The Dean’s remarks came after Executive Director of Auxiliary Services Daniel Stirrup sent an edict out on Monday in response to one student’s complaint about Christmas decorations at the 9,100-student school’s main campus in Orono, according to the Bangor Daily News. In the e-mail, Stirrup said no “decoration that could be perceived as religious” should be put up.
“This includes xmas trees, wreaths, xmas presents, candy canes, etc.,” he wrote, using an abbreviation for the holiday that some Christians find offensive. “What is allowed are winter themes, plain trees without presents underneath, decorative lights, but not on trees, snow flakes, etc. If you are unsure, best to not use or ask me for clarification.”
The message threw many on campus in an uproar, even leading to over 600 people to start a Facebook group, “Bring Cheer Back to UMaine.”
One posting on the groups page questions the potential absurdity of the policy.
Another posting talks about possible peaceful protest in the quad.
Ryan Low, interim vice president for administration and finance at the university, told the newspaper that Stirrup will not be disciplined for taking a “very conservative stance out of an abundance of caution.”
Dana insisted that holiday decorations were not banned and disavowed the email.
Here is the weakest statement someone can ever make:
“It doesn’t feel good, it doesn’t look good, and it doesn’t reflect us,” Dana said about the email specifically. “We welcome displays of religious symbols in public spaces and residence hall rooms. We don’t advocate one religion over another.”
Jesus Christ?
More here:
It’s fine to teach law, morality, kindness, responsibility, brotherhood and logic — but God does not belong in public schools.
Freedom of religion includes freedom from religion.
“In God We Trust” does not belong on public buildings or on money.
Their arguments are so stupid and irrelevant. What are they celebrating? If they are not celebrating Jesus Christ, what are they celebrating? It makes no sense with these God-haters. The spirit of anti-Christ is so raving mad in them, they have become senseless. So sad!!!
But praise our God, they cannot hide from God Almighty. Praise the Lord, it is written: “every knee shall bow of things in heaven, things on earth and things under the earth & EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER.” NOT TO WORRY, THEY SHALL BOW TO HIM, IF NOT NOW, LATER — THEN IT WILL BE TOO LATE!!! We will continue to pray for their eyes to be opened and that Jesus, the Truth and the Light will overpower them so that they cannot resist Him!!!