The Daily Jot 2/4/2014: 18,003,680,600,000 and counting

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

18,003,680,600,000 and counting

Many of you may not be aware that the national debt is setting records by the second. in the time it takes to write this sentence, the national debt has risen some $200,000. It stands a little over $18 trillion–$56,373 per citizen and $153,729 per taxpayer. The US workforce is 147.6 million, but there are 92.4 million not in the workforce. There are 158.3 million people receiving some form of government benefits, including 46 million on food stamps. In other words, national debt is over $153,000 per taxpayer (someone who is generating income, ie. working) and there are over 10 million more people receiving government benefits than are working. We have become a socialist state in dire financial condition.

The occupant of the Oval Office has decreed that yet another 4 million illegal aliens are to become citizens. This equates to about the same number of people who are employed by the federal government–just to keep things in perspective. Undoubtedly, this move will have long term impact on spending and benefits, burdening the system even more. Meanwhile, the government continues to prop up Wall Street (socialists’ favorite enemy at election time) with its quantitative easing program amounting to some $80 billion a month. They say that if they don’t do that, the economy will collapse. At $18 trillion in national debt and $115 trillion in total unfunded liabilities, the economy will eventually collapse.

These figures are found on the US National Debt Clock as provided by various government agencies. We are in great trouble as a nation. Even though the government has mandated that everyone must buy insurance from it, there are still 46.6 million people without insurance. Two years into the program and the number of uninsured has increased, yet it is costing taxpayers billions. A fine mess has been made by this gaggle of politicians in Washington. It’s not only the “president,” who is an Islamist Marxist doing his best to “remake” America–translated: destroy America. It is also the lack of any opposition to domestic and foreign policy that makes any kind of sense.

In recent days, House Speaker John Boehner is taking a load of criticism for not standing up to the “president’s” illegal and unconstitutional amnesty decree. Boehner’s response is to post pictures of the Capital Hill Christmas Tree and talk about legislation he passed to level the playing field for people with disabilities. You write him about it and you will likely receive emails thanking you for your support and asking you to follow him on Facebook. This is a classic Nero situation. I know I sound like a broken record, but accountability here is key. People are willing to burn businesses over a lie, but won’t do much about the truth. As Isaiah 59:14 says, “for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.”

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Wilson and

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