Breaking Video! Ambulance Transports Woman from Late Term Abortion Facility

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Albuquerque, NM- Protest ABQ just received footage from December 19, 2014 documenting an ambulance arriving at the controversial late term abortion clinic Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO), to transport a woman to the hospital during a botched abortion.

Abortionists Susan Robinson and Shelley Sella fly in alternate weeks from California to perform risky late term abortions which culminate in labor and delivery of a dead baby on Friday of each week.

Tara Shaver, of Protest ABQ confirmed that Shelley Sella was the abortionist on duty when this most recent call for paramedics occurred. This injury adds to Sella’s history of abortions that have gone seriously wrong, in fact on May 12, 2011 Sella sent a woman to the hospital from SWO during a 35 week abortion that ruptured the woman’s uterus. The New Mexico Medical Board failed to bring disciplinary action against Sella since there is no standard of care for abortion in New Mexico.

Abortion clinics in New Mexico fly under the radar of inspection and oversight since they are unregulated by the NM Department of Health.

This is the 17th known woman that has been transferred to the emergency room during a botched abortion from SWO since 2008. New Mexico has no minimum safety standards for abortion facilities.

“While abortion is never safe for mother or child, those who champion abortion in New Mexico cannot claim to care about women seeking abortions when these injuries continue to pile up without consequence,” stated Bud Shaver, Executive Director of Protest ABQ.

New Mexicans will have the opportunity to pass pro-life legislation in January 2015 after over 50 years of obstruction by radical pro-abortion politicians in the legislature. It is the hope of Protest ABQ that reasonable legislation will be introduced and sent to Governor Martinez’s desk to sign.
Video was taken by Abolitionist Society of Rio Rancho and produced by Protest ABQ.

Protest ABQ is a peaceful protest campaign launched to educate and stand against the injustice of abortion, through a strategic and sustained presence. We strive to reach deeper into our community and educate Albuquerque and New Mexico residents on what abortion really is. Protest ABQ is committed to end ‘Preborn’ Child Killing in ABQ and in NM. We protest most weekdays and every weekend!  For more information visit

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