Tuesday, December 2, 2014
From: Gary L. Bauer
Hands Up, Truth Down
It’s now clear that the left has another symbol. In demonstrations across the country, protestors have engaged in the now ubiquitous gesture of putting their hands up.
This comes from the original “eyewitness accounts” of how Michael Brown was supposedly “executed” by Officer Darren Wilson as Brown was on his knees with his hands up.
During Sunday’s NFL games, five members of the St. Louis Rams walked onto the field holding their hands up to show their solidarity with the Ferguson protestors.
Yesterday, four liberal Democrats did the same thing on House floor. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) put his hands up as he condemned what he called “this epidemic, this scourge of police violence all across America.”
Of course, as you know, a grand jury made up of black and white Missourians deliberated for weeks and determined that the physical evidence did not prove that Michael Brown had his hands up and was shot in the back.
The embrace of Michael Brown as a victim and Ferguson as the new Selma speaks volumes about the left’s mindset. As one liberal columnist once said about the infamous Duke lacrosse rape case, “The narrative was right but the facts were wrong.”
“Hands up, don’t shoot” is a total fraud, yet the truth doesn’t matter to the left. It has its narrative of police violence and it’s sticking to it. When the truth and ideology collide, the left demands that the truth must bend.
Ferguson’s False Narrative
As the protests continue, it is worth inquiring just what it is that the demonstrators are demanding. Voting rights? Nope, those already exist.
An end to the grand jury system?
The right to be high on marijuana and walk down the middle of the street?
The right to defy police orders?
The right to grapple with a policeman for his gun?
The right to steal from a convenience store and assault the clerk?
This can hardly be classified as a civil rights movement.
As for the “epidemic of police violence all across America,” here are the facts: According to the FBI, on average 400 people a year are killed by law enforcement officers nationwide. The vast majority of such cases are determined to be justifiable, as was the Ferguson case.
For some perspective, roughly 400 murders occur each year in the city of Chicago alone. In a normal world, there would be far more public outrage over four hundred brutal murders of innocent people rather than weeks of rioting over a police officer who a grand jury determined was defending himself.
Can tensions between minority communities and the police be lessened? Absolutely. Body cameras to protect the police and suspects are one option. When possible, as long as people are qualified, police departments should resemble the communities they are policing. More “community policing” is good.
But the left’s false Ferguson narrative would be laughable if it weren’t so serious. Before the grand jury had completed its deliberations, the left was already working on curriculum to indoctrinate young Americans.
Instead of false narratives, what we need is for people of all races of good will to come together for moral renewal, strong families and racial reconciliation.
Farrakhan Threatens Race War
Normally, I am inclined to ignore the rantings of Louis Farrakhan, a Jew-hating bigot. But since the Nation of Islam leader was given an award by Jeremiah Wright’s church, I think it is relevant to remind readers of who Barack Obama’s pastor and mentor was hanging out with before Obama became president.
During a recent speech at a historically black college in Baltimore, Maryland, Farrakhan justified the violence and rioting in Ferguson based on “the law of retaliation.” Here’s how Farrakhan closed his remarks before the cheering audience:
“We going to die anyway. Let’s die for something. . . As long as they [whites] kill us [blacks] and go to Wendy’s and have a burger and go to sleep, they’ll keep killing us. But when we die and they die, then soon we’re going to sit at a table and talk about it! We’re tired! We want some of this earth or we’ll tear this godd-mn country up!”
Fortunately, there are sane voices speaking up too. Former NBA star Charles Barkley condemned the rioters, saying during a recent interview:
“Those jack-sses who are looting those aren’t real black people, those are scumbags. The real black people are not looting. . . . the true story came out of the grand jury investigation. . . .
“I know I’m black, but I’m always going to try to be honest and fair. We have to be really careful with the cops. If it wasn’t for the cops, we’d be living in the wild, wild west in our neighborhoods. We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad.”
Boehner’s Battle Plan
Congress is back in Washington for the lame duck session, and members are scrambling to avoid a government shutdown on December 12th. But standing in the way is Obama’s executive amnesty, an unacceptable abuse of power.
Today Speaker John Boehner unveiled a plan of action: The House of Representatives will first vote on a resolution condemning Obama’s executive amnesty. Then the House will vote on a budget that funds most government agencies through next September but only funds the Department of Homeland Security through March.
Theoretically, that avoids a government shutdown while allowing Republicans to revisit the amnesty/funding issue once the new GOP Senate convenes in January. House conservatives are not yet on board with this partial budget plan, and Harry Reid, who still controls the Senate, could reject it.
We’ll keep you posted.
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