NM Voter Fraud: Bernalillo County County Clerk Issues Three Absentee Ballots to Deceased Voters


FGGAM News just received this news release from New Mexico Secretary of State Dianna Duran:

Bernalillo County NM Clerk issues Three Absentee Ballots to Deceased Voters


Suspicious Ballots taken to Secretary of State


Secretary of State Turns Evidence Over to FBI




SANTA FE—This morning an Albuquerque man notified the Secretary of State’s office claiming that the Bernalillo County Clerk’s office had mailed absentee ballots to three deceased voters.  The man had the ballots in his possession and took them to the Office of the Secretary of State.


On examining the ballots, the ballot request information, and verifying that at least two of the designated ballot recipients were in fact deceased, officials at the Secretary of State’s office immediately notified the FBI.  The FBI quickly responded.  Arriving at the Office of the Secretary of State around 11:30 AM this morning, an FBI agent seized the ballots.


Bureau of Elections Director Bobbi Shearer stated, “As soon as we confirmed the facts provided to us, I immediately notified [Secretary of State] Dianna Duran who then directed me to notify the FBI.”


The Secretary of State’s office reminds voters to be vigilant while signing in to vote, as elections officials have no legal means of actually verifying signatures or confirming the identification of any voter.


If voters have any concerns or wish to report an irregularity of any kind, they are encouraged to call the toll free number at the Secretary of State’s office:   (800) 477-3632.

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