Are You Determined to Achieve Holiness?


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Dear Family and Friends of our Lord Jesus Christ,

We are praying over many unspoken prayer needs, we constantly pray here for others! The CUP has been a praying ministry for over 17 years!  Let us know if we can pray for you and yours. Confidentiality is not a problem, If you just want me to pray for you or others, just let me know. We love you so much!

I am going to share with you something I read on yesterdays radio program from Charles Spurgeon: “It cannot but grieve gracious souls to see what pains men take to go to hell. How so very true……… that again………and again………I grieve at the sin that is going on….I grieve everyday as to the sin in the world and what is happening…I am still greatly disturbed at the evil in the shooting death of Santa Fe County New Mexico Deputy Jeremy Martin, being killed by his fellow Deputy. I have said for years, I don’t know if we, the Body of Christ, are taking time to fully grieve and look at the Biblical ramifications. Read your Bible today and read what God says on grieving.

Now many of you have already voted………thank you, some of you will vote today and some of you will just not plain vote. Now I would like you to listen to our radio program from yesterday…it is very important that you listen, God has told me to be bold in asking you to listen…….I also want you to take notes! Election Day 2014, What Can I Do? Occupy until He comes!

The World We Live In Radio Podcast 11-3-14 with Pastors Dewey Moede & Paul Holt You Must Hear This! Click and listen, 25 minute news/sermon. A young man came up to me after I preached at Revive Church in Rio Rancho and said I love how you talk about today’s problems and apply God’s Word, This is what we do at FGGAM, more importantly, it is what God has told us to do! Last night we got good reports from people on how this program blessed them including Lucy Gomez and her husband Pastor Ruben in Midland, Texas! PRAISE GOD! All Glory to God!

This will be some of the best 25 minutes you have spent in the last 30 days. Invest in yourself by listening.

Are you determined to achieve holiness?

Samuel Chadwick said, “Holiness brings the soul into fellowship with the redeeming Son of God. When believers rejoice in its possession, sinners are awakened and saved.”

The truth of the great prayer of the writer of Hebrews needs to be experienced by all:

Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,

make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13: 20-21

Smith Wigglesworth achieved the goal of holiness because he determined not to settle for anything else! How about you and me?

Wigglesworth “prayed through.” His experience of sanctification by faith was fundamental to his later life and ministry. Teachers in the holiness movement called it the baptism in the Spirit, and so did he at first.

Later, he came to see the true baptism in the Spirit is. He associated holiness with power, the power of the Holy Spirit.

Wigglesworth lived so close to God, How close are you living to God? In the last years of his ministry he dwelt in the secret place of the Most High. UNBROKEN COMMUNION best describes his relationship with God. Is that not beautiful, what more would we want other than being in constant communion with God. Charles Spurgeon also writes about constant Communion with God. I have to share with you that I am getting closer to that, to be in unbroken, constant communion with God…….Oh my! Heaven on earth! Amen! I pray the whole world comes into unbroken communion with God. In the intimacy Wigglesworth had with God, he entered into a very deep relationship. He, too, saw what God did in heaven, then in Jesus name, he did it on earth.

Wigglesworth knew that without holiness, no man can see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14.

My, oh my…..what a world it would be!

Check these posts out at FGGAM! Please share on your email and Facebook! Thank you!

Avoiding Transgression at the Election Polls This is a great Election Day Post by Shari Johnson, I would save this!


Let Your Light Shine Church Don Kimbro covers this for FGGAM, let me tell you, YOUR VOTE COUNTS! YOUR VOICE COUNTS! Read this story and be encouraged how the couple in Oregon will not be arrested or fined for not marrying gay couples, also as we have reported, look at the stand we all took against the Mayor of Houston! Christians from all over America gathered to defeat this Mayor over her crazy demands! VOTE, SPEAK UP! Occupy until HE returns! Amen!

The Bad Citizenship of Good People Adrian Rogers

NM Voter Fraud: Bernalillo County County Clerk Issues Three Absentee Ballots to Deceased Voters Yep, it’s not only Chicago where you can be dead and vote, it also happens in New Mexico!

Released From North Korean Prison, Jeffrey Fowle’s Family Says, “God Answered Our Prayers”

Thank you for stopping by for a CUP!

Fior God’s Glory in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for our family and neighbors!

And all of God’s people said, AMEN!


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