King Obama Set To Announce His Plan and NM Governor Susana Martinez’s Article on Immigration


King Obama, (America no longer has a President, I am sorry folks, but he does not act Presidential, he is a complete failure and embarrassment, he is lawless) Obama says he will sidestep Congress and order his own federal action on immigration. Even with a new NBC poll showing that by a good margin the American people do not want this the King will go ahead. We are living in lawless times. King Obama will use a 6pm mt speech tonight to announce his plan then on Friday to a rally, how appropriate it is in sin city, Las Vegas, Nevada, as his gambling with America continues. He can do this, but he refuses to support economic freedom from the evil mid-east, as he refuses to support the Keystone pipeline to continue our energy independence from the mid-east, this man acts and performs like he does not want America to succeed.   Susana Martinez won
News and Views-DeweyIn the meantime, New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez had an op-ed published this week in the Washington Times on immigration: Read it here:  Washington must act on immigration

Bill Wilson of the Daily Jot reports this: Senator Tom Colburn (R-Ok) told Capitol Download, “Instead of having the rule of law handling in our country today, now we’re starting to have the rule of rulers, and that’s the total antithesis of what this country was founded on. Here’s how people think: Well, if the law doesn’t apply to the president … then why should it apply to me?” The big difference here, of course, is that the federal government will use its full force and power to track you down and make sure you comply with the law. We the People have elected representatives to hold the “president” accountable. And there is a tremendous gap of accountability equality in this country. Presidents should not be above the law, but this one is.

We must be on our knees for our country, that Godly leaders who follow Jesus Christ will come forward and bring God back into America. American’s are fond of saying, “God Bless. America” That is an insult to God, as God has blessed America, it is America that needs to bless God, instead of kicking God to the curb. Also read this:

BREAKING NEWS: Most Americans Oppose Executive Action on Immigration

For more on Lawlessness in America:

The World We Live In Radio Podcast 11-17-14 with Pastor Dewey Moede

The Daily Jot: One law for sojourner and citizen

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