Inside The Islamic State and The Anchor of The U.S.-Israel Alliance

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Inside the Islamic State!
When al-Qaida launched its mass terror attacks on the World Trade Center and other American targets on September 11th, 2001, we thought we had seen the worst that radical Islam could muster. But now the Islamic State terror militia has unleashed such brutal atrocities in Iraq and Syria, that even al-Qaida followers are distancing themselves from these rabid jihadists. Yet there are some in the West who are being strangely drawn to the Islamic State, choosing to leave behind home and family in order to join this Muslim blood-thirst. So far, hundreds of Westerners have volunteered for the group’s insane jihad to vanquish all infidels and establish a global caliphate. Even fellow Sunni Muslims in Iraq and Syria are being targeted as apostates because they refuse to live under the rule of the Islamic State. So what is the real agenda of the Islamic State terror militia? Why has it been so successful thus far in recruiting Westerners to join their holy war for a global caliphate? How much of a danger are they to Israel and the West? And what does the future hold for Iraq and Syria? Inside the Islamic State! That’s our focus this week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll bring you insights and analysis on the radical jihadist group that has been terrorizing Iraq and Syria over recent months. Our guest analyst is Prof. Raphael Israeli of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a leading author and scholar on Islam.

Airing the weekend of November 29, 2014

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, December 1, 2014

Program Features
On this week’s program, we’re taking a closer look inside the Islamic State terror militia. What is its real agenda and why has it been so successful thus far in recruiting Westerners into its murderous fold? For insights and analysis into the Islamic State, we turned to Prof. Raphael Israeli of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is a leading Israeli author and scholar on Islam and has just completed a study into the tenets and tactics of the Islamic State.

Special Report

We now want to go back to Jerusalem, where Front Pagesenior producer David Parsons has an update on the recent terror attacks in the Israeli capital, including that brutal assault on Jewish rabbis praying in a synagogue.

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The Anchor of the US-Israel Alliance!
The historic alliance between the United States and Israel has been seriously tested over recent years by the numerous public disputes between US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Obama has pressured and upbraided Netanyahu on settlements, on building in Jerusalem, on the lagging peace talks, on Iran, and on many other issues critical to Israel’s future. And yet relations between the two countries have survived every hiccup and remain incredibly strong. The US-Israel relationship is very deep and multi-faceted, at both the official and people-to-people levels. Military and intelligence ties are stronger than ever. There is constant trade and investment between the two countries. And both nations are proud of their shared democratic values. But there does seem to be something even deeper to this unique relationship – a common faith in God. So what is it that makes Israel and America such close allies? How did the relationship first develop? What are the pillars of this enduring friendship? And how will the new Republican-led Congress impact the relationship? The Anchor of the US-Israel Alliance! That’s our focus next week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll bring you insights and analysis on how America and Israel became such close allies. Our special guest will be Prof. Michael Oren, Israel’s former ambassador to Washington. Plus, we’ll have a report on how you can bless Christians in the Holy Land this Christmas.

Airing the weekend of December 6, 2014

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, December 8, 2014

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