The Fish Are Biting Today


Fishers%20Of%20Men1Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they left their nets at once and followed him. — Matthew 4:19-20

Jesus was not a commercial fisherman. He was a carpenter by trade before he became a teacher of men. But the Son of Man knew how to relate to men’s interests and understanding. Several of his disciples were fishermen. They had experienced the boom and bust of casting their nets into the Sea of Galilee and obtaining an abundance of fish, as well as many an all-night session of catching very few (Luke 5:5). Jesus chose their occupations to speak  about spiritual matters which they could comprehend. Just as they toiled for fish—they would soon be laboring for men’s souls. Jesus encouraged, motivated, and empowered these ordinary men to focus the rest of their lives on catching “fish” of the warm-blooded kind, instead of the cold-blooded aquatic variety. His ability to motivate was not without substance either, as Matthew tells us that when Peter and Andrew received their initial invitation to walk in the steps of Jesus, “they left their nets at once and followed him.”  Their business partners James and John quickly followed suit (Matthew 4:21-22).

Jesus often used natural phenomena to teach spiritual truths. His parables were filled with the likes of wheat and tares, sheep and goats, sower and seed, riches and poverty, vineyards and laborers, hidden treasures and pearls that had great value. Truth is often better received when it’s presented in simple terms that we can understand. Knowledgeable theologians, pastors and teachers sometimes forget this vital principle. Following Jesus and taking him at his word are no easy tasks. As in the case of his early disciples, we have already seen that they interpreted his invitation as requiring them to leave everything (Luke 5:11). Should our response when called require less?

In 1936, William Chapman, the founder of the Bible League, became such a follower of Jesus Christ. Responding to a miraculous physical healing, he verbally committed in prayer to follow Jesus in whatever he would have him to do. In 1938, believing that God had revealed to him his life pursuit, he and his wife Betty took all of their life savings and began to offer free Bibles to people, on the condition that they would read them. Today, over 75 years later, the Bible League is responsible for the distribution of millions of Bibles worldwide, more than any other missionary group in the world.

Does Jesus still call each of us to join him in fishing for men’s souls today? Of course, He does. Has he called you? Of course, He has. How have you responded to that invitation? If you haven’t yet, even though you know you have received his call, will you respond in obedience to his summons today? Why? Because there are still millions of fish in the seas and oceans of life who desperately need to hear about the Savior of the world. All you have to do is tell them what He did for you.

If you need help in pursuing the call of God on your life, please let me or someone from this ministry know and we’ll be glad to walk you through the process from God’s word and encourage you with our prayers. “Behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

— Pastor Don

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