It’s Time to Update


UpdatesYesterday while using my iPad Bible apps to study, the apps kept crashing or they would not open. I receive a pop up that read, “Cannot open this page.” It hit me, there’s been a new software upgrade since the release of the new iPhone 6, but I’ve been hesitant to update.

I resisted updating because I was comfortable with the way my devices, both my phone and iPad, operated. I was familiar with the look and knew how to use my favorite apps. Updating means changes. Relearning. Adjusting.

Since my apps no longer worked, I had no other option but to concede to updating.

As I walked through the process of updating my devices, it occurred to me that spiritually we are like that. We become comfortable in our walk with the Lord. It is familiar to us.

However, the Lord showed me it is time to update. Without the updates, we will be ineffective and crash.

It’s time to tap into the Holy Spirit power and press install now to receive the download from His Word. The Lord desires for us to move from complacency and bring us into a position of Kingdom authority.

“And from the time John the Baptist began preaching until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and the violent people are attacking it” (Matthew 11:12 NLT).

Updating with the power of the Holy Spirit will empower us as believers to be bold. To stand and face those who oppose the advancing of the Kingdom of God. Without this update of power, just like those apps of mine, we will crash.

It is a time to take a stand to take part in advancing the Kingdom of God. But in order to do so, we need to install the Kingdom of God updates so we can function in this season.

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