Netanyahu to Meet with Obama


Netanyahu addressing Jewish leaders in New York (Israel GPO Photograph)Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu followed up on his speech to the UN General Assembly on Monday during a meeting with UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon the following day, telling Ban that the UN Human Rights Council was failing in its mission to safeguard human rights by unfairly singling out Israel while defending terrorists who attack the Jewish State. He also pointed out that the UN as a whole was focusing so much on Israel while almost completely ignoring the conflict in neighboring Syria which has killed over 200,000 people in the last three years. Earlier in the day, he addressed a meeting of 250 American Jewish community leaders and activists, and in the evening met with leading US journalists and editorial boards. He’s scheduled to visit President Obama at the White House on Wednesday evening and return to Israel on Thursday. Read More Let us be in prayer for this meeting, that President Obama sees the light!

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