Model Jesus


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Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We love you all and we are praying for you and yours!

I am sorry the CUP is going out late, Mondays are very busy with the radio program and today was very busy with making ministry calls. It is now 7:37pm…….a few more hours of work then I will hit the hay!


I do know that the Lord wanted the CUP to go out later because of some items HE wanted you to know about and pray over…………This happens every time I am late…God wanted me to be late! His timing, not mine!

Model Jesus…………

Christ Our Role Model: The Christian life, the Christian walk should be characterized by the virtues taught in the Word of God. We have said that love embodies all of these virtues, and that a life of perfect love would necessarily be an entirely virtuous one. Such was the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. During His tenure on this earth, He embodied and exemplified the love of God, and by His own example, facing the same difficulties of life which we face (yet to a far more intense degree, Heb.4:15), He gave us a pattern to model ourselves by, footsteps, by which if we should only follow them, we would be lead by the straight road to a virtuous life well-pleasing to God (1Pet.2:21-25; cf. Matt.16:24; Jn.13:15).From Dr. Robert D. Luginbill

My heart is broken tonight as I got my hometown newspaper and read about the sudden death of 22 year old Kathleen (Katie) Mary Fleming of Worthington, Minnesota. Her Dad, Kevin and I are longtime friends, as we grew up together and worked at the school together back in Windom, Minnesota. Kevin told me this afternoon that Katie was at his house watching Tv and suddenly began to have a seizure and later passed away at the Worthington Hospital of a blood clot to the lung on Sept. 21st. Life is precious, so very precious. I just pray that more and more people will let that soak into their hearts. We pray for Kevin and his wife Pam and Katie’s brother Kyle. Thank the Lord that Kevin and Pam have a great support group at their Church! By the way I have to mention that Katie was a gifted musician. She was active in anything that involved music throughout her school years. Katie’s talents earned her several awards including Music Student of Excellence. Please keep the Fleming family in your prayers. Many of you that read this CUP know Kevin and I know you will be praying for him, his wife Pam and Katie’s brother Kyle. Maybe even give him a call. We love you Kevin, Pam and Kyle.

I was telling our dear friend Kay Lawrence about Katie and Kay shared with me the organization “GriefShare”. Kay has been involved in this organization, receiving great help from them when her husband Tom passed away and then being a leader of a group. The web address is   Check it out and share it with those grieving the loss of a loved one.

The other item I wanted to share with you is that Sharon stopped at the Albertsons Grocery Store in Rio Rancho on Southern blvd. on the way home and was in line and an elderly lady in front of her at the check out lane was crying. Before Sharon could get to the lady the store manager came and helped the lady out of the line and took her over to an empty check out and went and got her a big bouquet of fresh flowers! The ladies husband had just passed away and the people at the store knew of that and wanted to show their love to her. Sharon walked out of the store with the lady, who appeared to be in her 80’s…….and the lady cried all the way to her car with her flowers saying, “It’s so sweet that these folks would give me flowers!”  Here we see the love of God from these folks at Albertsons…….people taking time to show love. Time out of their busy day to show true love. People that actually STOPPED what they were doing to help this lovely lady. What a great store manager and staff! Only if more would show the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Every life is precious, every person is dealing with an issue or issues. Model Jesus.

I have a man right now who cannot pay his cell phone bill.

You see we all have an opportunity everyday to minister to others everyday, what a wonderful world it would be if more would catch the fever of Jesus Christ!

We have this prayer need………………………

Tonight I ask for your prayers. Some of you who know me, know that I suffer from anxiety & depression. Had it under control for a long time, but then, it changed. On December 24, 2012, I went to visit my sister’s grave. I didn’t know that I could cry like that…water just poured out of my eyes. I was driving back home and thee worst anxiety attack ever hit me. I pulled over and called my mom. After what seemed to be hours, but actually 15 minutes, I drove home. Since then, I’m terrified. I now pay, yes, pay people to drive me to and from work and anywhere else I have to go. I can’t go on like this. Please pray for me, that I can get my life back and that I can drive myself wherever I need to be. I’m so sorry if this offends anyone…it’s the hidden pain that people don’t see. Thank you, Bernadette Montano in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Please pray for Bernadette, I know her very well, I spoke at Preached at the rosary and funeral for her sister Martha. Martha was a very good friend, she helped me with the Daily Cup for a few years. Martha was such a sweet girl. I was blessed by the Montano family and Father Jerry that they allowed me to Preach! I will be in constant touch with Bernadette.

I also wanted to share with you that we have been praying for Tina in Carl Junction, Missouri……….she passed away yesterday of cancer, just 42 years of age…….every life is precious. Please pray for her husband and two daughters. Thank you Pastor Robert Lewis for letting us know.

Now here is our Quote of the Day at FGGAM.ORG:

Coming to the end of ourselves is a prerequisite for seeing a work of God start. Every other religion is about human effort. Many Christians are under this delusion as well. They do not realize it is not about what we are doing. It is about the work of grace that God wants to do in us through Christ Jesus: “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” John 1:17. Pastor Steve Hickey From Sioux Falls, South Dakota who also serves in the South Dakota Legislature. Read his book, “Obtainable Expectations” a timely exposition of the Sermon On The Mount! steve hickey3

For God’s Glory alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep each other and our families and neighbors in our prayers.

And all of God’s people said, AMEN!


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