Albuquerque Islamic Center Attacked


Albuquerque, New Mexico Police say someone tried to firebomb the Islamic Center of New Mexico on Friday. No injuries occurred. The center’s imam, Shafi Abdul Aziz said he found smoke stain residue and shattered glass remains around 6:30 am Friday, from what authorities says was a Molotov cocktail on the south wall of the center. Albuquerque Islamic Center
The Albuquerque Police Departments Bomb Squad, the Fire Department Arson investigation team and the FBI were called to the scene.  The center at 1100 Yale in Albuquerque serves as the spiritual center for around 2,000 members of the Muslim community according to  imam Shafi Abdul Aziz. Friday is the Muslim holy day when many men, women and children come to pray. Prayer begins at 1pm with attendance of more than 600 people. Authorities now are on the hunt for the thug or thugs. Let us pray they are arrested soon, in Jesus name, Amen!

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