Stir Up One Another To Love And Good Works


Windom houseDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Good morning to you all!

As Pastor Leonard used to say to me, “You know what we get to do today Dewey? We get to serve the Lord!” Amen! PTL!

Please remember if all images do not show for you on your CUP, please go to FGGAM.ORG

Yesterday was such a busy day here at the ministry, I just want to stress how thankful we are for the kind words of Michelle Archuleta, George and Brandi Greene and Karen Rowe it is such a blessing to have to us when we get mail like the love letters you sent! Amen!

I received some pictures of the house I grew up in from Randy Thom! Thank you Randy! It made me so happy I cried tears of joy. You see that is where my roots are. The house is owned by my brother Dave and his lovely wife Denise, who by the way celebrate 14 years of marriage today! Dave and Denise have taken such good care of Dad and Mom’s house.  The roots I have to Windom, Minn. run deep, my foundation of my belief in Jesus Christ started in that house and in the American Lutheran Church. You see many do not have what I was given by my Lord and parents for various reasons. I treasure what my Mom and Dad did for me, I treasure that the Lord gave me such wonderful parents. Roots in Jesus Christ, foundation in Jesus Christ. This is one of the main reasons I do what I do….to bring this good news of Jesus Christ to the world, to give people what I have been given, This is why I fight for the sanctity of life and marriage because it is from the Lord, it is what I want for everyone. Purity in our Lord. In that little house comes memories of things Mom and Dad said to me, birthday parties, Christmas, family meals, …I could go on and on. But see we are living in a world where not everyone has or had this! I want to share it with everyone! The family unit with Jesus Christ our Lord. Yesterday I got the Windom newspaper in the mail and in it is a wonderful column by Rachel Wilson who grew up in Windom and is now a senior at Bethel University. WOW! can this young lady write! I talked to Dave Fjeld on how I cried when I read her post, the words she wrote are exactly how I feel! I called her Dad, Dale Friesen who I am thankful remembers me, and he is going to send me the post so I can share ti with you all! You see, I am of the firm belief that our communities are key to our survival as a moral nation. When I preach in the small communities here in New Mexico I am refreshed  by the closeness the people have for each other.

You could say that my stirring up started at 1441 11th Ave. in Windom, Minnesota on July 4th, 1956………

Hebrews 10:24-25

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

I JUST GOT AN EMAIL FROM RACHEL WILSON! Lord Willing we will post her column in the CUP tomorrow! PRAISE GOD! Thanks to Dave Fjeld and Dale Friesen for all your help in hooking me up with Rachel! I have asked her to be one of our volunteer writers at FGGAM!

Whether you live in a large city like we do now, Albuquerque, New Mexico you can have community in your own neighborhood! Amen! We are surrounded by great neighbors! I pray with some of my neighbors! I share Jesus Christ with all! Do fun things! Like on Saturday I was working in the yard and Sharon was painting the family room and kitchen and we took a time out and I went to our favorite Deli and got sandwiches and supervised our neighbors with lunch! Simple thing I know, but showing love for each other in unexpected ways is so much fun in our Lord! Amen!

The following is from Grace Cordova a dear friend of FGGAM, she has noticed the same as I have……..

These last few days I’ve been saddened to witness cruelty and outright malice within several public forums here in Social Media. And I have to admonish you all to remember to BE KIND to one another! Just because you’re strong and can hide behind the internet’s anonymity, don’t belittle those who are struggling right now! Instead, give value to your own strenth by SHARING it! You don’t know what your brothers and sisters have suffered and sometimes, it’s just hard to think straight and see the big picture when your heart is broken! Each one of us has our own journey! It’s not for any one of us to judge, mock or criticize someone else! Remember, that energy comes back to you TEN-FOLD! So open your heart and let the LOVE pour out!!! Life turns on a dime! You never know when it’s YOU that might one day be in need. A kind word from a stranger might make all the difference in the world! Remember to pray for one another and you will be blessed! GO, NOW! ….and be a blessing to someone!!!!

Frank Haley sent this to us………

A Minute With God
My name is God.  You hardly have time for Me.  I love you and will
always bless you.  I am always with you. I need you to spend 30 seconds
of your time with Me today.  Don’t pray, just praise.  Today I want this
message to go across the world before midnight.  Will you help?  Please
do not delete it and I’ll help you with something that you are in need
of.  Just dare Me! A blessing is coming your way.
Please drop everything and pass it on.
  Why do we feel sleepy in prayer, but stay awake through a 3 hour movie?
  Why are we so bored when we look at the HOLY BOOK but find it easy to
read other books?
  Why are prayers getting smaller, but bars and clubs are expanding?
  Why is it so easy to worship a celebrity, but very difficult to engage
with God?
  Think about it, are you going to forward this or are you going to
ignore it because you think you will get laughed at?
  Forward this to all your friends. 80% of you won’t.  God said if you
deny Me in front of your friends, I will deny you on the day of judgment.
  When one door closes, God opens two.  If God has opened doors for you,
send this message to everyone including me….
  God has no BLACKBERRY but He’s my favorite contact.
  He is not on FACEBOOK but He is my Best Friend.
  He is not on TWITTER but I still follow Him, and even without the
INTERNET I am always connected to Him.
  He is not on G mail but He’s always online.
  Forward if God’s been good to you!
  God has been very good to me, He has given me a wonderful family,
great friends and so much more.


Walking His Talk

By Pastor Glen Strock

I’m writing in appreciation for one who
walks God’s talk. These troubled times
are in need of those who are bold to speak
the truth in love into the culture.
Dewey Moede of FGGAM does it.

James, the nuts and bolts, can do book of
the Bible calls on believers in this way,
“But be doers of the Word, and not hearers
only, deceiving yourselves” And Dewey lives
up to his name, he do-y.

While some quietly sit by, watch and even
tolerate the defiling influences of a fallen
world, Dewey speaks. As others are swept
away by the cross-currents of deception and
undertow of circumstance, he is bold to speak.

Don’t expect lukewarm tolerance or soft
peddle, walking on eggs here. You can expect
him to wade in with a salt & light, no holds
barred concern for the truth that sets
men free.

Sincerely in His service,

Glen Strock
Pecos Valley, New MexicoGlenn T Strock

Thank you for the encouragement Pastor Glen to keep moving forward!

This email came to us after our radio program yesterday:

Shalom Paul!

Our hearts SOARED when you included Sh’mittah in today’s broadcast.  Sh’mittah:  So precise, so relevant, so timely.  Read Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Mystery of the Shemittah?  $9.99 @ Costco.  Praying you’ll enlighten the radio audience on Sh’mittah relevance :-)
Hats off to you and Dewey for bringing news in Biblical Perspective.
Grace and Peace,
Eric and Chris
Thank you Eric and Chris for your sweet words. If you missed our program you can click on the link below.

The World We Live In Radio Podcast 9-8-14 with Pastors Dewey Moede & Paul Holt

Last July Pastor Leonard navarre sent this to us….and the Lord directed me to post it again!

Earning less than $3.00 a day in the brick yards of India………..


Brick making by the numbers.

7 days a week…

12 hours per day (with a 2 hour break on Saturdays)…

150 times a day… 24 bricks each load.


Susmita lugs almost 50,000 pounds of bricks per week out of the kiln to a waiting truck. At age 13, she earns less than $3 per day while working at one of Nepal’s estimated 750 brick factories. School for her is not an option.


Susmita, 13, carries a heavy load of bricks to a waiting truck.


Susmita is only one of the estimated 60,000 children who work in the brick kilns. They live in temporary shelters of stacked brick and tin roofs. Their floor is damp clay. Sanitation is poor. Their bathroom an open field. Healthcare is lacking. Schooling of any type is rare. Nepalese law forbids children to work in the dangerous environs of the brick industry, but the law is not enforced.


The object of employing children is not to train them, 

but to get high profits from their work.  – Lewis Hine, 1908

Lalu, 16, another young worker, was sent to Nepal by his family in India so that he could earn money for his family. “We don’t have any work at home, so I am sent here to work for six months.” After the brick making season is over he will return to India for the harvest.


  Susmita, 13, her skin and face covered with dust, stacks bricks before loading them onto her back.


Children in Nepal are expected to contribute to their families economic needs, but this often goes beyond simple household chores to the risks and dangers of heavy labor in industries such as brick making, carpet weaving, stone quarries, and mines.


  Lalu, 16, closes his eyes as he stacks bricks on his head.


As the sun begins to set, Susmita hauls her last bricks for the day out of the kiln. Her dirt encrusted fingers clasp the small scrap of paper with tiny marks that represent her toil for the day…over 3,000 bricks…less than $3 earned.


Lalu, 16, and other workers load bricks onto a truck.


CICM Children’s Ministry is a vital part of CICM’s outreach. The Children’s Ministry is helping bring hope to the hopeless and free those children in bondage, such as Lalu and Susmita. Our CICM leaders work to rescue at-risk children and bring them into the CICM Children’s Homes. There we are able to provide a safe and loving environment for them to live and grow in the Lord.


Prayerfully consider a gift to CICM Children’s Ministry to help CICM continue to rescue at-risk children from such grievances as child labor. We thank you for your thoughts, prayers and encouragement of the ministry of CICM.


GOD Bless,

Drs. Ajai and Indu Lall

and the CICM team


9425 N Meridian St, suite 281

Indianapolis, IN 46260


Story and photos by: Gary Chapman

Our Thanks to Pastor Leonard Navarre for sending this story to us.

Thanks for stopping by for a CUP today!

For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families and neighbors!

And all of God’s people said, AMEN!

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