Tesla Gets $1.3 Billion In Tax Breaks From Nevada


Some city and states sure hand out the money to major and even small companies. What do you think of this? What does it mean to the average American?  Here in New Mexico we have had too many companies get hand outs and then leave after awhile, or they never hire as many folks as they promise. I understand that there are penalties for things such as that, but do they ever pay? This practice of handing our taxpayer money is not transparent enough. It gives politicians a photo op to say they are creating jobs, but they are doing it at our expense in many cases. I say again, government does not create jobs! People like you do!  Tesla Motors received a guarantee of $1.3 billion in tax breaks from the Nevada
state government this week after agreeing to build the world’s largest
lithium-ion battery factory outside Reno. Tesla Gets Huge Tax Break To Build
World’s Biggest Battery Factory In Nevada



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