Teacher Shot In Leg From Her Own Gun In School Bathroom


Let us pray for the teacher and students over this tragedy. We pray for healing for the teacher. gun 1Officials say a Utah elementary school teacher was rushed to the hospital after a concealed firearm she was carrying accidentally discharged in a school bathroom and shot her in the leg on Thursday.

Granite School District spokesman Ben Horsley says the teacher was in the faculty restroom when the gun went off shortly before class started Thursday at Westbrook Elementary School, in the Salt Lake City suburb of Taylorsville.

Horsley says no other faculty or students were in the area.

He says the teacher was severely injured when the bullet entered and exited her leg.

Officials are still investigating how the gun discharged.

Horsley wouldn’t release details about the woman or what she taught, but he says she was carrying the weapon legally with a concealed firearm permit.

Utah law allows teachers and anyone else licensed to carry concealed weapons to wear a gun in a public school.

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