American Minute with Bill FedererCalifornia founded as Christian mission |
![]() In 1769, the first Spanish missions were founded in California by Franciscan missionary Junipero Serra, whose statue is in the U.S. Capitol’s Statuary Hall.California cities were originally founded as Spanish Christian missions:
1770 San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo (grew into Carmel, CA) 1771 San Antonio de Padua (grew into Monterey County, CA) 1771 San Gabriel (grew into San Gabriel, CA, began California’s citrus industry) 1772 San Luis Obispo de Tolosa (grew into San Luis Obispo, CA) 1776 San Francisco de Asís (oldest surviving structure in San Francisco, CA) 1776 San Juan Capistrano (grew into San Juan Capistrano, CA, produced California’s first wine) 1777 Santa Clara de Asís (grew into Santa Clara, CA) 1782 San Buenaventura (grew into Ventura, CA) 1786 Santa Barbara (grew into Santa Barbara, CA) 1787 La Purísima Concepción (grew into Lompoc, CA) 1791 Santa Cruz (grew into Santa Cruz, CA) 1791 Nuestra Señora de la Soledad (grew into Soledad, CA) 1797 San José (grew into Fremont, CA) 1797 San Juan Bautista (grew into San Juan Bautista, CA, restored with help from the Hearst Foundation) 1797 San Miguel Arcángel (grew into San Miguel, CA) 1797 San Fernando Rey de España (grew into Mission Hills district of Los Angeles)
Prior to the Spanish Christian Missions, the Indian culture had regarded manual labor as degrading to the masculine sex.
Spain lost California to Mexico in 1821, but after its war of independence, Mexico set up a monarchy with Augustin Iturbide as Emperor.
“A hundred years to come my people will not be fit for liberty…a despotism is the proper government for them.”
When several Mexican States opposed Santa Ana, he sent his army and crushed the resistance. Santa Ana’s ruthless actions precipitated the Texas War of Independence, 1836, and the Mexican-American War, 1846. After the wars, California was purchased by the United States with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.
Soon prospectors, called “Forty-Niners,” arrived.
Its Constitution, which prohibited slavery, stated: “We, the People of the State of California, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom…do establish this Constitution.”
“The Missions were intended…to be temporary… It was supposed that within that period of time the Indians would be sufficiently instructed in Christianity and the arts of civilized life.”
“I grant unto the…Bishop of Monterrey…in trust for the religious purposes…the tracts of land described in the foregoing survey.”
For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Federer and