‘Never Words’


This post on ‘Never Words’ is written by my angel wife and partner here at FGGAM, Sharon Moede, she is a presenter of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Sharon is also an RN and has been for years and also she is a former Medical Researcher.

I am a member of a committee at my work that focuses on teaching staff ways to give patients a better experience while using our healthcare system. Our homework assignment was to discuss with to our own department staff about how to refrain from judging others. Then we were to send the committee our department’s list of so-called “Never Words”. Words our department staff agrees to never use in judgement of our patients or customers.

Here is my response to that assignment:

After long thought I decided that it is more productive to think of positive words and thoughts rather than negative ones, or “Never Words”. We spend so much of our lives concentrating on negative aspects. We remember the arguments and yelling more than the laughter and joy. We share stories of our aches, pains and injuries rather than how well and full of life we feel on good days. We lament about our heartaches, sorrow and what could have been, rather than the times of love, happiness and passion that we enjoyed. We dwell on our longing for what we want but do not have instead of the life that we have and what is front of us every day.

Instead of concentrating on words and phrases such as “frequent flyer, drug seeker, addict, difficult patient, angry person, hypochondriac, mentally ill, or worse…psycho, why not focus on the positive instead.

We all have a story to tell. Our baggage is no more important than another’s. Everyone wants to be heard, to be loved and to know they matter in some way. When we feel life has failed us that is when we turn drugs to numb the pain, to anger for never feeling loved, to a fantasy world for our escape and to the comfort of chronic illness to find refuge in a system that is built upon caring and compassion. We have turned into a society of negativity, wanting, taking, entitlement, and self-centeredness.

My answer to the assignment is no; I will not send in any “Never Words”. I will, instead, send in these words:


When we focus on the negative, we only attract more negativity. I choose to focus on the positive instead. These are the words I choose to concentrate on and pray that others will follow as well.

WOW BABY! What great words from Sharon! I Praise God for her!!!!!!!!!!!! Please copy this and send it out! Amen! Tell others about the ministry of FGGAM! Help God expand this ministry! Amen! POWERFUL MESSAGE BABE! DYNAMITE!!

Great Response from this! Even an email from a worldwide medical group! PTL! Thank you Lord for what you are doing through my wife and FGGAM! We love you Lord! Sharon-4-1


  1. By our words we shall be justified and by our words we shall be condemned

    Let us walk in what Jesus has purchased for us by speaking what He says about us and others.

    Thank you, Sharon.

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