Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
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Thank you all for your prayers and support of FGGAM!
Thank you for stopping by for a CUP with us!
We love you and yours and pray for you everyday! We pray over your names.
‘Never Words’ This post by my angel wife Sharon and partner here at FGGAM is getting a wonderful response throughout the world we live in. Click on it and be inspired for God’s Glory alone! Amen!
Many emails and text messages yesterday on where was our radio show? Thank you all for your interest. KDAZ AM730 had to move us to today and Friday!!!! Thank you KDAZ! So we are on the air at 12:05pm MT today and Friday! PTL! Find out more here:
400,000 New Mexicans On Food Stamps, ‘The World We Live In’ Radio Is On Today!
Thanks to Darlene Quiring for this:
Nothing Speaks Louder Than Integrity
Today we continue to share a little bit of heaven with you…….we just celebrated Pastor Leonard and Diana Navarre’s 45th wedding anniversary. We pray that you learned something about marriage through that post. Marriage is more significant than you may have thought. Marriage was designed by God and is defined by God. Marriage is at the center of God’s purpose for mankind.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
The sanctity of marriage between a man and women.
Dr. Joe Fawcett and his lovely wife Louann just celebrated 40 years of marriage. I have known these two for years. I have had Dr. Joe on my radio shows many times. He has helped me so much in my life, with helping me to better my health! Amen! Dr. Joe and Louann have quite a story to share……………What will you learn from this? What is it like losing a child in a car wreck?
Here is Dr. Joe of Plano, Texas………..
Louann and I have been married since August 2, 1974 – 40 years. She’d just turned 19 and I’d just turned 24. We met in late August, 1973 at Tabor College, Hillsboro, Kansas where we were both students. She was an incoming Freshman and I was starting my Junior year. I knew the moment I saw her that she was the one for me. It took her a little bit longer to figure that out…but not too much longer as we were engaged within six months.
We were married inside the sanctuary of the Bethany Mennonite Brethren Church in Fresno, California – her church family most of her life. Her dad, Rev. Lewis Boese, officiated our ceremony on the hottest day of the year (114 degrees). Our Scripture verse that’s set the theme for our marriage from that day on is, “We love, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4: 19
Two weeks later we’re back at Tabor for me to report early for football. Louann immediately got a job as a nurse’s aide at Hillsboro’s only hospital. She’d been there about four weeks when she contracted infectious hepatitis and had to be in strict isolation for one month. She was in there almost longer than we’d been married. Those four weeks seemed like four years. She came out of it just fine. Me playing football, being a full time student, actively involved in student council, Sunday School teacher, and a lot of other things created a lot of stress during our time there. But, thankfully we had several married friends we fellowshipped with that helped to buffer that stress. That’s a key to any marriage: Routine fellowship with like-minded married couples.
I graduated in May of ’75. We promptly left for Denton, Texas so I could start pre-med, work as an X-ray tech at a local hospital, and Louann at a local bank.
From day one of meeting Louann, through the first ten years of our married life, I was a student who also worked at least part time but mostly full time. The last four years of those academic years were spent at Palmer College of Chiropractic. Have a plan and stick to it…a vital key to any marriage.
During those ten years Louann gave birth to three of our four children: Girl, boy, girl.
Upon graduation from Palmer, we left the next day for Fresno. It was there I practiced as a chiropractor from 1985 until July 3, 2001. Our fourth and last child was born in ’85: boy.
During our time in Fresno, we were active members of our church. Our faith in God’s Word is the number one key to our marriage. Without the Lord, I know we would not have made it to our fortieth year. The main reason being that in 1997, our oldest son died in a car crash that I survived. He was 50 days shy of turning 17. I wrote a book about the incident, “From Grief to Glory, When a Father Loses a Child”. You can read a chapter on my web site under the tab, “Biblical Worldview”.
Sadly a lot of marriages don’t survive the loss of a child, but those who do are usually those who willfully draw closer to the Lord and stay close. Yes, we both have very deep scars from the horrific incident, but they don’t open and they don’t fester. No matter what kind of scar – body or soul – it’s real and never goes away while we’re alive on this Earth. Regardless of the scar, we know our precious son is with the Lord. We look forward to seeing him one day soon. And as you know, there are no scars in Heaven except for the ones our precious Savior bore for you and me. This is an important key to marriage: Willfully bear each other’s hurts.
Other than our deep faith in the Lord, the other things that keeps our marriage vibrant is…fun and laughter. Faith, fun and laughter – powerful ingredients for an enduring and sane marriage. The catalyst to those ingredients is…communication: Lots of quality talking and more importantly lots of listening. The painful fact is that when you talk to your spouse, you really aren’t focused on what they’re saying, but thinking of what you’re going to say, or thinking about something else. This is especially true for us men (and maybe a few ladies). So, here’s a tough key for your marriage: You gotta learn to shut the mouth, open the ears, brain focus… and really listen to her (or him) IN the present moment.
My precious Louann and I have been through a ton of tough times and a lot of good times in our 40 years… all that truly matters is what either one of us will someday hear from our Creator, “Well done my good and faithful servant…”
In conclusion, even though I presented to you a very tiny bit of our marriage history, it’s with high hope that something I wrote will be an ongoing encouragement to you and your loved one.
Amen Dr. Joe! We love you and Louann so much! Thank you for all you do for God!
We also want to honor in our Lord two other Godly people Richard and Daisy Griffin of Albuquerque celebrated 19 years of marriage yesterday! PTL! Rick and Daisy are financial supports of FGGAM! We thank the Lord for them and all they do for the Kingdom of God! Amen! Rick has been a mentor of mine for years! Rick calls FGGAM, “a difference maker in our society”. All Glory to God!
Thank you all for stopping by for a CUP! By the way, Lord Willing Dr. Joe is on the radio with us today!
For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team
Let us continue to pray for each other and our families.