Bernalillo County Deputy: “It Is Very Violent And Too Many People Will Not Admit It”


Yesterday I had the blessing of talking to a Bernalillo County New Mexico Deputy Sheriff. I told the Deputy how much I appreciated the the service to the County and to God’s people. I have stated for years how violent the Albuquerque area has become. The Deputy said, “It is very violent and too many people will not admit it.”  It is high time that the elected officials wake up to this fact,  fighting crime should be at the top of the list and the first thing to do is shake up the Judicial system in this state, it is dysfunctional. Our Law Enforcement officials arrest the thug and way too many times the criminal is released soon after. I was talking with this Deputy Sheriff of a problem we are having in our neighborhood. The Deputy addressed it right away! We have a problem of violent crime in New Mexico, but I have not heard a word out of the mouths of Governor Martinez or her opponent Gary King on this vital issue. You cannot have a successful society with high, violent crime. It’s time for New Mexico to look this problem in the eye, it is time for a revival in New Mexico to change hearts, for people to come to Jesus Christ, the best crime fighter!

Some of you may recall stories I have done in the past where a Albuquerque Police SGT and another Bernalillo County Deputy Sheriff, 25 years on the job,  told me the same thing, on how violent our area has become.

Just this week we had a Minnesota Police Officer killed in the line of duty. Too many thugs are out on the street because the Judicial system in America is messed up. Law Enforcement officers need our support. They put their lives on the line for us each day. Too many thugs on the street, running loose and causing harm to society, they do not value life and will kill and steal in a second. nmlogo WIDE Politicians can say things like, “We support our officers”, but please put those words into action! I stress however, the bottom line not only for New Mexico, but for America is for hearts to be given up to the Lord, a revival, repent of our sins and follow God Almighty in everything we do and say.

Are you living a life that pleases God?

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