Whats Next At Costco? “Book Burning”?


Whats next at Costco? A “book burning”? Top chain yanking D’Souza’s ‘America’ off shelves

The movie just debuted in theaters across the U.S. over the… fb.me/3eA17stJN


Here is a letter we received on this issue:

Actually was unable to renew my membership recently due to cancer diagnosis & treatments but WAS planning to renew in the near future.

However, upon learning of your decision to pull D’Souza’s book ‘America’ from COSTCO’s stores, and other instances of this nature by you and your company, you can reset assured I will not be doing so!!!

I spent a full career, as many others have, fighting for your individual and your companies freedoms and liberties; YOU THEREFORE DO HAVE THE RIGHT to back the most useless and ‘Un-American’ president this country has ever had who day by day denies you of those privileges, BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DETERMINE OR DICTATE WHAT I DO OR DO NOT READ!!!

I will be encouraging all my family and friends to do so also!!!



Richard T. Stambaugh
United States Navy Retired
Albuquerque, NM 87120






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