How May I More And More Abandon Myself To YOU LORD?


Dewey and Sharon

Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Pictured above me and Sharon!

Make sure and go to FGGAM.ORG for a full view of the CUP!

I love this: No person can be baptized with the Holy Spirit and have bitterness!

Are you bitter about anything? Let it go to God………Throw it up if you have to! Amen!

A little story from some African boys……..They said the difference between being saved and being filled with the Holy Spirit was, “Ah, when we were saved, it was very good; but when we received the Holy Spirit, it was more so.” Many have never received the “more so”.

How may I more and more abandon myself to you Lord? Oh Lord I want to leave myself so bad…..Lord I want to leave myself……..from any earthly, human fellowship, until I am absolutely so sold out to YOU……to God Almighty, that God has the right-of-way to the throne of my heart, until there is no room for anything except the Son of God, who is the Author and Finisher of faith, Heb. 12:2. Then Christ will be manifested in my flesh, destroying everything that is outside of HIM! AMEN! PTL!!

Friends, before I go any further we have this URGENT PRAYER NEED: A 2 year old girl needs our prayers. Meadow became seriously ill over the weekend and was helicoptered to a hospital. It seems that the Doctor’s are leaning towards a diagnosis of leukemia. We pray the blood of Jesus over Meadow. We pray healing in Jesus name, Amen!  When we get more details, I will pass them along. We have been asked to be in constant prayer for Meadow. The family lives in California.

Also today pray for those that are in need, we have received the news and a call that some social security recipients have not yet received their July check causing hardship, to pay for rent, food, phone costs, etc……July 4th holiday has slowed the mail. We are getting calls for help.

We also have folks in marriage crises.

Too many folks do not have a relationship with their own Pastor or Church body!

We try to help in that matter, but some folks are so stubborn they think they can just say they belong to such and such church and know their Pastor, but in reality their is NOTHING there!

We try and get them to connect with their Pastor….or if it comes down to it…….to search for a Pastor and Church.

I do not know where to begin!

So much has happened since I was last with you!

I feel so bad I did not get a CUP out yesterday, but Monday’s are tough, I am up very early after Sunday and posting the news and getting ready for the radio program, doing our research. In the old days we called that”prep time” to get ready for the radio program! LOL! So it gets hard on Mondays to do all I would like to do! I have to slow down and really listen to the Lord, and here Him!

I posted this over the July 4th holiday……I am in such awe of God and all of your love…….we got over 300 birthday greetings!!!! By email, phone calls, texts, facebook….and even U.S. mail!!!! Even heard from one of my bosses from almost 30 years ago Ken Coe of WCOE radio in Laporte, Indiana! It so great to hear from friends of years and years ago! You all touched the heart and soul of me and Sharon! The words you spoke into my life touched me so!

This is what I posted:Dewey July 4th bal

I want to thank all of you who have sent birthday greetings. It is an extreme blessing to be born on this date, a reflection of the love I have for my God, country and family. I love my Sharon and kids, and doggys with all my heart and soul, and you folks too! I thank the Lord for all of you! Despite challenges that we face as individuals and as a country……. Last night my Dear friend Karen Rowe nailed it with this quote, “A happy heart knows God is in charge”. Amen! I am the most blessed man on earth, with my God, Family and friends. As I look at the world today my prayer is: Thank you Lord for bringing peace to the commotions and convulsions of life, in Jesus name, Amen!

Pictured here is a birthday balloon fly over for my Birthday! LOL! The balloons are flying this morning in Albuquerque after much needed rain last night, It’s a cool 65 degrees at 8:30am.

This balloon flew right over our roof!

We received an AWESOME blessing on Saturday when Dr. Martin told us that Buff’s lymphoid did not have caner it it as they thought! We are waiting for test results to come back on the tumor that was removed from her leg..what type of cancer?

My scripture for you this day is.”Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, ‘Come up here.’ And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on” Rev. 11:12

These are the words that Barbara Gould spoke into my life on my birthday………….

“It’s exceeding abundant above all that you ask or think time”! (Eph 3:20-21)
Believe it & confess it. I believe it is for every area of your life.
That Word is for your entire life–Sharon, Buffy, Reno & FGGAM. he wants us to
stretch our faith to believe for “more than enough” because that’s who
HE is — EL SHADDAI, the God who is MORE THAN ENOUGH! The more we believe Him
for the greater we can be a blessing on the earth. The more youflourish, the more FGGAM flourishes, the more the earth flourishes. We areblessed to be a blessing. (I am believing for that too).:)

Ever since we arrived in New Mexico, in August of 1995,  I have been outspoken about the alcohol problem in New Mexico. FGGAM stands in the gap with God on this booze issue! I have had enough of this!


New Mexico Official: “New Mexico Has Very Much Struggled With Alcohol”

How crazy is this world we live in?

Whats Next At Costco? “Book Burning”?

Christian Bakery Faces Legal Action For Refusing To Bake ‘Bert And Ernie’ Gay Marriage Cake!

This is one of our most popular posts ever, it is by Pastor Leonard Navarre:

Any GIANTS in your life?

Thank you for stopping by for a CUP today! Love yo you all!

For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family, and FGGAM Team.

Let us keep praying for each other and our families.

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