Shining Your Light For Jesus, My Life Is Worth Nothing Unless I Use It For Doing The Work Assigned Me By The Lord Jesus


Ben LuceroI was blessed this week to meet with many folks who shine brightly for Jesus Christ! PicturedPhil gRILL above is Ben Lucero of Indigo Mortgage, Phil Chavez of the Grill, and  below David Schumm of the Baptist Church in Reserve, NM

I had a breakfast meeting with one of the leaders of the Reserve, NM Baptist Church, David Schumm, who was traveling through Albuquerque! David is a strong man of God! When I think of David, I think of this: Follow the truth of Jesus Christ, and do not abandon it! That is exactly what David does, and his testimony encourages many! David has become a mentor of mine. I have been so blessed to be a very small part of the Reserve Baptist Church! 
David Reserve

I also had a meeting this week with one of FGGAM’s supporters…….Ben and Mila Lucero, owners of Indigo Mortgage in Albuquerque…..We had lunch at The Grill, which is owned by Phil Chavez, who also supports FGGAM.  I share this with you because it takes the body of Christ coming together to support ministries like FGGAM. We thank the Lord for all those that support the work that God has us doing. Ben and Mila let their light shine for Jesus Christ. When I think of Ben and Mila…..I think this: Jesus identified Himself with us. He came to be first fruit (1 Cor. 15:23) How zealous is the farmer as he watched his crops to see the first shoots and blades of the harvest! Jesus was a firstfruit, and God will have a harvest! What a lovely position to be children of God, perfectly adjusted in the presence of God and “found in Him” (Phil. 3:9)

When I think of Phil………he is always doing something for a worthy cause……..Did you ever walk a while on the way to Emmaus? The two who walked with Jesus thought He was a stranger……Phil has never met a stranger!

In our little ministry of serving one person at a time, as the Lord has shown us……we are so thankful for the support of many.

My life is worth nothing unless I use it foe doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24

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