He Saw The Light


Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

We will be talking about this story today on “The World We Live In” at 12:05pm Mt today on KDAZ AM730. You can also listen from our website FGGAM.ORG just click on the AM730 listen icon.

Islamic Caliphate Restored by ISIS

I am in such a cloud of blessings, despite struggles here in earth, I have my Lord, my Sharon and kid’s and Buffy and Reno, and you all as friends! I will turn 58 on July 4th and I am so ever grateful to you all for your gift of love.

I want to remind you, if all images do not show in your email, please go to FGGAM.ORG for a full view of the CUP! There are so many great pictures today! Amen!

Good morning to you all!

I come to you today to pray for Buffy, as my friend says, my sidekick! Sandra Bivens wrote, Praying God hear our Prayers for Dewey’s side kick Buffy she means the world to him and his Family Lord you know we care for our furry friends like their our children. Thank you for your kind words Sandra. Buffy Monday When I took Buffy into the Vet for a nail trim on Saturday they found a lump on her leg, they same leg that they amputated a toe because of cancer. We pray no more cancer. Test results could come today. We are thankful for your prayers.

This morning I also want to share with you much more……..

Love in our Lord…….

Ruben and Lucy Gomez came to Albuquerque last week for Ruben’s check up at the VA Hospital. Ruben Pastor’s a church in Midland, Texas and he and Lucy have become such dear friends, very dear.Ruben

Ruben has become a strong mentor of mine. I met him years ago at KKIM, his grandson, Josh was a radio DJ for one of the other stations in the building. I am so thankful that Josh introduced me to Ruben. One of the first things that Ruben taught me was to share in my writings what the Lord is showing me, the teachings the Lord is giving me. Ruben said to me, “Share what the Lord is showing you.” That has really helped me as we go forth here at FGGAM. One of the other things Sharon and I treasure about Ruben and Lucy is that they are consistent. They are consistent in their love, words, and actions. We treasure that. Consistency, is lacking in the body of Christ. Too many Christians are in and out of the word. Too many are inconsistent in their love, words, and actions, they don’t do what they say they will do.  Ruben and Lucy are the salt of the earth. Salt and Light. I ask  all today, When was the last time a passage in the Bible moved you to change a harmful attitude or destructive behavior?

One of the greatest key’s in our walk with Jesus Christ is to be consistent in Jesus.

Saying one thing and doing another is a problem that way too many have.

Ruben and Lucy are “steady as she goes” as we used to say back home.

How steady are you in the Lord?

How are you and the Lord getting along?

Not only to they minister in Midland, Texas…they go into the prisons and sponsor a Church in Mexico.

Tremendous testimony to Sharon and me.

Ruben will say to this, “Dewey, it’s all the Lord not me!”

Ruben was once dead for 20 minutes and “SAW THE LIGHT” He saw the light……….He says he never, ever has experienced such peace! Amen!

He wants us all to be able to be in such peace.

I see way to much inconsistency in the Body of Christ, if you need help contact me.

Do people see the light of Jesus Christ in you?

Are you blessed to have accountability partners? Are you blessed to have people that are able to “shoot straight” with you? Not just “blow smoke up your pants” Old Midwest saying,  Don’t just blow smoke, tell the truth.

I have lost friends here at FGGAM, because of the truth the Lord told me to speak into their lives.

I love what Harry Truman once said, “They thought I was giving them hell, I was only speaking the truth!”

I have to tell you how much I love Ruben and Lucy……I cried when we had to leave them Thursday night. We so treasurer their relationship and mentorship.

I am very thankful for all my friends! It has been almost 2 years now that God moved us to establish FGGAM. It has been a complete walk of faith. I am learning so much in our Lord. Without friends this would not be ongoing. The expression of love brings me to weep. I will turn 58 on July 4th. I have been asked what I want for my birthday?…..my reply is peace and strength in my Lord. One of my favorite verses is….Kind words are like honey….sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24. Shari Johnson of Grantsville, WV sent this card to me! It’s her artwork! It touched me so much! She included this…”I thank God upon every remembrance of you: Phil 1:3……I wept tears of our Lord when I read that! Sharon and I love you and yours so much Shari! Shari, the “Jesus Chick”,  also writes for us here at FGGAM! What an artist you are! An artist for God! Amen! In many ways! Amen!

I believe a real weeping would be good for us. You are in bad way if you cannot weep. I do thank God for my tears, which help me. I like to weep in the presence of God. I ask you in the name of Jesus, will you cast “all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7

What are you going to do with the rest of your life? Radio Dewey

Ben LuceroI was blessed this week to meet with many folks who shine brightly for Jesus Christ! PicturedPhil gRILLabove is Ben Lucero of Indigo Mortgage, Phil Chavez of the Grill, and  below David Schumm of the Baptist Church in Reserve, NM

I had a breakfast meeting with one of the leaders of the Reserve, NM Baptist Church, David Schumm, who was traveling through Albuquerque! David is a strong man of God! When I think of David, I think of this: Follow the truth of Jesus Christ, and do not abandon it! That is exactly what David does, and his testimony encourages many! David has become a mentor of mine. I have been so blessed to be a very small part of the Reserve Baptist Church! 
David Reserve

I also had a meeting this week with one of FGGAM’s supporters…….Ben and Mila Lucero, owners of Indigo Mortgage in Albuquerque…..We had lunch at The Grill, which is owned by Phil Chavez, who also supports FGGAM.  I share this with you because it takes the body of Christ coming together to support ministries like FGGAM. We thank the Lord for all those that support the work that God has us doing. Ben and Mila let their light shine for Jesus Christ. When I think of Ben and Mila…..I think this: Jesus identified Himself with us. He came to be first fruit (1 Cor. 15:23) How zealous is the farmer as he watched his crops to see the first shoots and blades of the harvest! Jesus was a firstfruit, and God will have a harvest! What a lovely position to be children of God, perfectly adjusted in the presence of God and “found in Him” (Phil. 3:9)

When I think of Phil………he is always doing something for a worthy cause……..Did you ever walk a while on the way to Emmaus? The two who walked with Jesus thought He was a stranger……Phil has never met a stranger!

In our little ministry of serving one person at a time, as the Lord has shown us……we are so thankful for the support of many.

My life is worth nothing unless I use it foe doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24

Thank You Lord for all of our friends!

For God’s Glory alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, family and FGGAM team.

Let us keep praying for each other and our families.

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