Our Conscience


conscience21“When unbelievers, who do not have God’s written law, instinctively follow what the law says, they show that in their hearts they know right from wrong. They demonstrate that God’s law is written within them, for their own consciences either accuse them or tell them they are doing what is right.” — Romans 2:15

What is the conscience? What does it do and what does God’s word says about it? First of all let me define what I mean by the conscience: It’s that inner sense of what’s right or wrong in our conduct or motives. Actually, and this may surprise you, God in His mercy has given every human being a conscience, whether they are believers in Him or not. A healthy conscience will move us toward a right action, provided we know what that is. And that’s where our relationship with God and His Word comes in. God’s truth tells us what is right—and wrong.

An unhealthy conscience, or what the Bible says is a conscience that has been “seared as with a hot iron,” will continue to hide what is wrong without any corresponding guilt—and that’s where we get into trouble. Why did God “program” us with a conscience, even before we accepted Christ? Romans 2:15 tells us: Our conscience then, is a forerunner that will lead us to Christ because it is an inner witness that tells us right from wrong. When we receive the Holy Spirit at conversion, God fine tunes our conscience so that we will know His will.

I read a story about a student in Colorado’s Eagle County High School who had cheated on a Shakespeare test. She felt guilty — and rightly so. The student stole the answers to the test, passed the exam, graduated, moved out of state, and went on with her life . . . sort of. The principal of the school where the incident occurred recently received a written confession from the student—47 years after the cheating incident. The student is now a 65-year old grandmother of five, and at long last she’s soothed her conscience by confessing what she did. The principal didn’t revoke the woman’s diploma but he did read her letter—a heartfelt confession admitting her guilt—to every homeroom in the school.

Well, how about you? Is there something about your conduct that your conscience keeps telling you is still tainted? If that be the case, here’s what you can do about it right now and your conscience will be clear: 1 John 1:9 says: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” First confess to God, then if you believe that it requires a further confession to someone you’ve offended—then tell them your sorry, if it’s still possible. Even if it was 47 years ago.

One final thought from Budd Schulberg’s “What Makes Sammy Run“: “Living with a conscience is like driving with the brakes on.” Now that will slow you down! Maranatha!

 Pastor Don

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