Today In History; May 26



Good Morning & God Bless To Every One !

Today is May 26, the 146th day of 2014 and there are 219 days left this year where it is another Blessed Day in the pleasure of our service for our Lord here at:

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries !!!

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
– John 15:12-14

arlington cemetery1

As we celebrate this Memorial Day, I ask all to please remember what today is really about – it’s not National Barbeque Day!!!

memorial day6

I regret ‘Today In History’ being so late today. I was busy this morning praying and paying some respect to the millions who have sacrificed for our freedoms and liberty today. I wrote and posted an article earlier today concerning Memorial Day which I encourage ALL to read, which you can do here: There are also quite a number of other posts honoring this great day on our website which I also encourage you to read!!!

A REMINDER:radioAlso, a reminder that our Pastors here at fggam did not broadcast their normal Monday radio show, The World We Live In, in honor of the day and to allow the station personnel to take the day off to honor our hero’s. They will be broadcasting their weekly show tomorrow on KDAZ AM730 tomorrow at 12:05 p.m. As always, I know it will be a great show. If you can’t pick it up on your radio, there is a link on our homepage where you can listen in right on!!!

So, What Happened Today In 1782?

American Patriot Colonel William Crawford proceeds towards the Ohio Riverwilliam crawford

In the American Revolutionary War, American Colonel William Crawford marches his army towards the Ohio River, where General George Washington has charged him with attacking local Indians who had sided with the British in the revolution.

Colonel Crawford, a close friend of General Washington and a veteran of British military encounters with Native Americans in the French and Indian War, Pontiac’s Rebellion and Lord Dunmore’s War, had agreed to come out of retirement in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, to assist his fellow Virginian in the fight for American independence.

The expedition ended in a slow, harrowing death for Crawford. On June 6, his supply chain disintegrated and Wyandot Indians surrounded Crawford and his men. The Indians of the Ohio region were enraged by the recent slaughter of pacifist Christian Indians at the Moravian mission in Gnadenhutten, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately for Crawford, some of the perpetrators of the Gnadenhutten Massacre were among his men.

Patriots had shot the women and children of the Gnadenhutten mission from behind as they knelt in prayer on March 8, 1782. The Wyandots, under Chief Konieschguanokee (Captain Pipe), took their revenge by torturing the members of Crawford’s party. Crawford and his son-in-law William Harrison were scalped and burned at the stake; Crawford finally died after two hours of torment. At least 250 members of Crawford’s party were killed in the disastrous encounter.

Crawford’s horrendous death ensured that he would be remembered as a martyr. The site of his execution is included on the National Register of Historic Places and a monument has been erected there in his memory. Counties in Ohio and Pennsylvania also bear his name.

Other Memorable Or Interesting Events Occurring On May 26 In History:

17 – Germanicus of Rome celebrates his victory over the Germans;

1521 – Martin Luther was banned by the Edict of Worms (vohrms) because of his religious beliefs and writings;

1637 – During the Pequot War, an allied Puritan and Mohegan force under English Captain John Mason attacks a Pequot village in Connecticut, burning or massacring some 500 Indian women, men, and children. As the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay spread further into Connecticut, they came into increasing conflict with the Pequots, a war-like tribe centered on the Thames River in southeastern Connecticut. On July 28, a third attack and massacre occurred near present-day Fairfield, and the Pequot War came to an end. Most of the surviving Pequot were sold into slavery, though a handful escaped to join other southern New England tribes;

1647 – A new law bans Catholic priests from the colony of Massachusetts. The penalty is banishment or death for a second offense;

1647 – Alse Young becomes the first person executed as a witch in the American colonies, when she is hanged in Hartford, Connecticut;alse

1736 – British and Chickasaw forces defeat the French at the Battle of Ackia;

1770 – The Orlov Revolt, a first attempt to revolt against the Turks before the Greek War of Independence ends in disaster for the Greeks;

1835 – A resolution is passed in the United States Congress stating that Congress has no authority over state slavery laws;

1864 – During the American Civil War, anxious to create new free territories during the war, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln signs an act establishing the Montana Territory. However, as Montana was on the unstable frontier, it did little to add to the integrity of the Union, and Sidney Edgerton, the territory’s first governor, fled after suffering through several months of Indian raids. Significant U.S. settlement did not begin in Montana until the 1850s, when the discovery of gold brought people to mining camps such as those at Bannack and Virginia City. In 1864, Montana was deemed worthy of territorial status and 25 years later entered the Union as the 41st state;

1865 – In the American Civil War, Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith, commander of the Confederate Trans-Mississippi division, surrenders on this day. He was one of the last Confederate generals to capitulate. Twenty-three days after Smith’s surrender, Brigadier General Stand Watie, a Cherokee, became the last Confederate field general to surrender;kirby

1868 – At the end of a historic two-month trial, the U.S. Senate narrowly fails to convict President Andrew Johnson of the impeachment charges levied against him by the House of Representatives three months earlier. The senators voted 35 guilty and 19 not guilty on the second article of impeachment, a charge related to his violation of the Tenure of Office Act in the previous year. Ten days earlier, the Senate had likewise failed to convict Johnson on another article of impeachment, the 11th, voting an identical 35 for conviction and 19 for acquittal. Because both votes fell short–by one vote–of the two-thirds majority needed to convict Johnson, he was judged not guilty and remained in office;

1896 – Nicholas II, the last czar, is crowned ruler of Russia in the old Ouspensky Cathedral in Moscow;czar

1897 – The first copies of the classic vampire novel Dracula, by Irish writer Bram Stoker, appear in London bookshops;dracula

1907  – John Wayne, an actor who came to epitomize the American West, is born in Winterset, Iowa. Born Marion Michael Morrison, Wayne’s family moved to Glendale, California when he was six years old. As a teen, he rose at four in the morning to deliver newspapers, and after school he played football and made deliveries for local stores. When he graduated from high school, he hoped to attend the U.S. Naval Academy. However, after the school rejected him, he accepted a full scholarship to play football at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. In the summer of 1926, Wayne’s football coach found him a job as an assistant prop man on the set of a movie directed by John Ford. Ford started to use Wayne as an extra, and he eventually began to trust him with some larger roles. In 1930, Ford recommended Wayne for Fox’s epic Western The Big Trail and Wayne won the part. During the next decade, Wayne worked tirelessly in countless low-budget western films, sharpening his talents and developing a distinct persona for his cowboy characters. Finally, his old mentor John Ford gave Wayne his big break, casting him in his brilliant 1939 western, Stagecoach. Wayne played the role of Ringo Kid, and he imbued the character with the essential traits that would inform nearly all of his subsequent screen roles: a tough and clear-eyed honesty, unquestioning valor, and a laconic, almost plodding manner. ‘The Duke’, as became to be know by, made his final film, The Shootist (1976), won over even his most severe critics. Wayne—who was himself battling lung cancer—played a dying gunfighter whose moral codes and principles no longer fit in a changing world. Three years later, Wayne died of cancer. To this day, public polls identify him as one of the most popular actors of all time;john wayne

1924 – President Calvin Coolidge signs into law the Comprehensive Immigration Act, the most stringent immigration policy up to that time in the nation’s history. The new law reflected the desire of Americans to isolate themselves from the world after fighting the terrible First World War in Europe, which exacerbated growing fears of the spread of communist ideas. It also reflected the pervasiveness of racial discrimination in American society at the time. Many Americans saw the enormous influx of largely unskilled, uneducated immigrants during the early 1900s as causing unfair competition for jobs and land. The Japanese government viewed the American law as an insult, and protested by declaring May 26 a national day of humiliation in Japan. The law fanned anti-American sentiment in Japan, inspiring a Japanese citizen to commit suicide outside the American embassy in Tokyo in protest. Despite becoming known for such isolationist legislation, Coolidge also established the Statue of Liberty as a national monument in 1924;

1927 – Henry Ford and his son Edsel drive the 15 millionth Model T Ford out of their factory, marking the famous automobile’s official last day of production. More than any other vehicle, the relatively affordable and efficient Model T was responsible for accelerating the automobile’s introduction into American society during the first quarter of the 20th century. Introduced in October 1908, the Model T—also known as the “Tin Lizzie”—weighed some 1,200 pounds, with a 20-horsepower, four-cylinder engine. It got about 13 to 21 miles per gallon of gasoline and could travel up to 45 mph. Initially selling for around $850 (around $20,000 in today’s dollars), the Model T would later sell for as little as $260 (around $6,000 today) for the basic no-extras model;model t

1940 – In World War II, American President Franklin D. Roosevelt makes known the dire straits of Belgian and French civilians suffering the fallout of the British-German battle to reach the northern coast of France, and appeals for support for the Red Cross. “Tonight, over the once peaceful roads of Belgium and France, millions are now moving, running from their homes to escape bombs and shells and machine gunning, without shelter, and almost wholly without food,” broadcast FDR. On May 26, the British Expeditionary Force was evacuated from Dunkirk in France. Ships arrived at Calais to remove the Force before German troops occupied the area, and it was hoped that 45,000 British soldiers could be shipped back to Britain within two days. The German air force, though, had other plans. Determined to prevent the evacuation, the Luftwaffe initiated a bombing campaign in Dunkirk and the surrounding area. British, Polish, and Canadian fighter pilots succeeded in fending off the German attack in the air, allowing finally for a delayed, but successful, evacuation nine days later. But the cost to civilians was great, as thousands of refugees fled for their lives to evade the fallout of the battle;

1942 – During World War II, the Tule Lake Segregation Center for Japanese-American wartime internees opened in northern California;

1942 – In World War II, the United States War Department formally established the Armed Forces Radio Service (AFRS);

1954 – Off the coast of Rhode Island, explosions rocked the aircraft carrier USS Bennington (CV-20) killing 103 sailors, predominantly among the senior Non-Commissioned-Officers (NCO’s) of the crew and injured 201 others. At 8:11 a.m. the fluid in one of her catapults leaked out and was detonated by the flames of a jet causing the forward part of the flight deck to explode setting off a series of secondary explosions. The Bennington proceeded under her own power to the Navel Air Station Quonset Point to land her injured. This tragedy caused the Navy to switch from hydraulic catapults to steam catapults for launching aircraft;USS Bennington (CVA-20)

1960 – During the (first) Cold War, during a meeting of the United Nations Security Council, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Henry Cabot Lodge charges that the Soviet Union has engaged in espionage activities at the U.S. embassy in Moscow for years. The charges were obviously an attempt by the United States to deflect Soviet criticisms following the downing of an American U-2 spy plane over Russia earlier in the month;

1965 – During the Vietnam War, eight hundred Australian troops depart for Vietnam and New Zealand announces that it will send an artillery battalion. The Australian government had first sent troops to Vietnam in 1964 in the form of a small aviation detachment and an engineer civic action team. They were increasing their commitment to the war with the deployment of the 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (RAR). In 1966, the Australians once again increased their troop strength in Vietnam with the formation of the First Australian Task Force, which established a base of operations near Ba Ria in Phuoc Tuy province. The task force included two infantry battalions, a medium tank squadron, and a helicopter squadron, as well as signal, engineer, and other support forces. By 1969, Australian forces in Vietnam totaled an estimated 8,000 personnel. New Zealand had initially sent a small engineer detachment to South Vietnam, but later sent an artillery battery in July 1965. Over time, the New Zealand contingent, which was placed under the operational control of the First Australian Task Force, grew to over 1,000 men. Australia and New Zealand began to withdraw their troops in 1970, following the lead of the United States as it drastically reduced its troop commitment to South Vietnam;

1971 – In the Vietnam War, in Cambodia, an estimated 1,000 North Vietnamese capture the strategic rubber plantation town of Snoul, driving out 2,000 South Vietnamese as U.S. air strikes support the Allied forces. Snoul gave the communists control of sections of Routes 7 and 13 that led into South Vietnam and access to large amounts of abandoned military equipment and supplies. On May 31, the Cambodian government called for peace talks if all North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces agreed to withdraw. The communists rejected the bid. Cambodia ultimately fell to the communist Khmer Rouge and their North Vietnamese allies in April 1975;

1972 – In the (first) Cold War, President Richard M. Nixon and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev signed the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in Moscow. The U.S. withdrew from the treaty in 2002;

1981 – 14 people were killed when a Marine jet crashed onto the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN-68) off Florida;uss nimitz

1991 – A Boeing 767 crashes into the jungle near Bangkok, Thailand, and kills all 223 people on board. Eventually, the mechanical evidence and a voice recorder pointed to a serious problem with the jet’s thrust reverser. Boeing was forced to recall and modify the 767’s thrust reversing system at the conclusion of the official investigation;

2002 – The Mars Odyssey finds signs of large ice deposits on the planet Mars;

2004 – The New York Times publishes an admission of journalistic failings, claiming that its flawed reporting and lack of skepticism towards sources during the buildup to the 2003 war in Iraq helped promote the belief that Iraq possessed large stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction;

2004 – Nearly a decade after the Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building, Terry Nichols was found guilty of 161 state murder charges for helping carry out the attack. Nichols later received 161 consecutive life sentences;oklahoma city bombing

2005 – A U.S. Marine general drops murder charges against 2nd Lt. Ilario Pantano, a Wall Street trader and former Marine who had rejoined the service after the attacks of September 11. Pantano had been accused of the premeditated murder of two suspected Iraqi insurgents, a crime punishable by death. In April 2004, the then 33-year-old Pantano had been leading a Marine platoon in the investigation of a suspected terrorist hideout in Al Anbar, Iraq. According to Pantano, he shot the two Iraqi men in self-defense after they ignored instructions and seemed to make a threatening move toward him. A witness in the case contended, however, that Pantano had shot the men in the back while they were kneeling. In an April 2005 Article 32 hearing, which is similar to a civilian grand jury session, other witnesses and fellow Marines praised Pantano as a soldier and rebutted the other witness’ testimony, chalking it up to the soldier’s anger at Pantano for removing him from a leadership role in the platoon. Upon the conclusion of the hearing, hearing officer Lieutenant Colonel Mark Winn recommended that the charges be dropped, but that Pantano be given some sort of punishment for desecrating the bodies of the Iraqis. The matter was then referred to Major General Richard Huck, commander of the 2nd Marine Division, who decided to drop the charges and declined to further punish Pantano, who had been demoted after the incident;

2013 – A Nigerian tugboat carrying 12 crew members capsized and sank in about 100 feet of water; a sole survivor (Harrison Odjegba Okene) was miraculously rescued three days later;

2013 – It was one year ago TODAY!!!

A wise quote:

“The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.”
– Elizabeth Cady Stanton, American feminist (1815-1902)

Number 21 of 50 beautiful pictures from 50 beautiful states:

Houghtonville, North Adams, MassachusettsMassachusetts

As I close today, Iawe

A thought

How do you view God? Is he someone looking for a way to condemn you? Is he an out of touch old man who doesn’t really know what it’s like in our modern world? Is he too holy to soil himself with the concerns of mere mortals and has left it up to us to work everything out for ourselves? NO! God chose to enter our world and experience it from the side of mortality. God chose to enter our world, not to condemn us, or it, but to redeem it and each of us. Jesus is the great reminder that God longs to save us, not condemn us. Thank God for Jesus who was and is God with us.

Leads to a verse

For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.
– John 3:16-17

That brings a prayer

Heavenly Father God, thank you that you live with those of us who are contrite and repentant and who long for your presence. You know we are only mortal, but you love us. You know that we are flawed, but you redeemed us. You know that we are not perfect, but sent Jesus as the perfect sacrifice to save us. Thank you. Through my Savior I offer my gratitude and praise. Amen

Until the next time – America, Bless GOD!!!flag

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Rick Stambaugh
After serving in the United States Navy for 22 years I retired from the service late in 1991. Having always loved the southwest, shortly after retiring, I moved to the Albuquerque area where I have resided since. Initially I worked as a contractor for approximately 6 years doing cable construction work. That becoming a little dangerous, at an elevated age, I moved into the retail store management environment managing convenience stores for roughly 16 years. With several disabilities, I am now fully retired and am getting more involved with helping Pastor Dewey & Pastor Paul with their operations at FGGAM which pleases my heart greatly as it truly is - "For God's Glory Alone". I met my precious wife Sandy here in Albuquerque and we have been extremely happily married for 18 years and I am the very proud father to Sandy's wonderful children, Tiana, our daughter, Ryan & Ross, our two sons, and proud grandparents to 5 wonderful grandchildren. We attend Christ Full Deliverance Ministries in Rio Rancho which is lead by Pastor's Marty & Paulette Cooper along with Elder Mable Lopez as regular members. Most of my time is now spent split between my family, my church & helping the Pastors by writing here on the FGGAM website and doing everything I can to support this fantastic ministry in the service of our Lord. Praise to GOD & GOD Bless to ALL! UPDATED 2021: Rick and Sandy moved to Florida a few years ago. We adore them and we pray for Rick as he misses Sandy so very, very much!

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