Are Your Tires Going Bald? The Basics Of Soul Maintenance


Dewey sunrise on May 7Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Good Morning, What a wonderful day to be with you again!

Sunrise in Albuquerque today!

You know what we get to do today? We get to serve the Lord! Amen!

It is the best ‘job’ in the world! Amen!

WOW! What a day to serve the Lord! Amen!

I want to share this with you before we start this morning!

When I was done with the CUP this morning, I have been brewing it since 4:30am….God showed me the word: OBEDIENT! That is why we struggle and our Country and World is going to hell. The world is not being obedient to God. More on that as we drink this CUP together.


For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is sound, your entire body will be full of light.

But if your eye is unsound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the very light in you (your conscience) is darkened, how dense is that darkness!

Matthew 6:21-23

Sometimes you wonder if you are reaching people, having an impact.

Last night I got an email from a man who reads the CUP, who said that he valued the CUP and and admired what I was doing and is my friend, and that he believed in a ‘higher power”. Now I Praise God for that note, I Praise God for this man who served our Country in Vietnam and had to kill people. I thank God he reads the CUP and is searching. My Daddy taught me that my work is like water dripping on cement, it eventually cracks. I want to be clear here, Americans are great at saying we ‘support our troops’ Really? My question is what are you doing about it? We have many homeless Vet’s here in New Mexico and across the United States. War is hell. It ruins life. I had Uncle’s who never recovered mentally from WW II. My father-in-law, WW II Vet said, Young men fight old men’s wars.” This Country should be ashamed the way it is treating it’s Veterans, all these fancy, dancy ceremonies that are held do not put bread on their table, do not give them medical treatment, do not get them into the body of Christ, do not get them off the street. I have WW II, Korean War and Vietnam War Vet’s who are dear friends who battle mental and health problems, and some really have to fight to get proper treatment from the VA! FGGAM reaches out everyday to Veterans.

What are you doing to help our Veterans?

I am tired of my Country talking about problems, Let us do the WORK of JESUS CHRIST and DO THE WORK HE DIRECTS US TO DO, it is in HIS WORD! AMEN!

It’s all in the book!

Yesterday I asked you a question that was first asked of me nearly 30 years ago by Ed Moore, “Dewey, How are you and the Lord getting along?”

Ed was my boss at the first Christian radio station I worked at, WFRN in South Bend, Indiana. I had never had a person put that question to me!

It really got me thinking! It started me on a path of a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

So, I ask you again today, How are you and the Lord getting along?

It’s your most important relationship.

Your wife, husband, children and family come next.

How much affection do you give your spouse? How much affection do you give your children?

I pray you love on them……….you love the dickens out of them! Amen!

Take that affection and double it upon the Lord, adore Him, Praise Him, talk to Him.

How much affection do you pour out to sports? your car? your hobbies? junk?

Really think on that. Are you being obedient to God? In everything you do and say?

Do not try to conform God to your life style, that is the wrong way.

Everything is about God.

If you are not making everything about God and His way, which He put in print for us!!!! LOL! The owners manual!!! LOL! The Bible,  you are out of alignment with God. You know what happens to a car that is out of alignment, the tires wear down faster, the car can get where it does not steer correctly and goes to one side, your tires can go bald and cause you to wreck your car and mess with your soul.

You see, like your tires, your nerves, your mind, your soul can get wore down with life and you can have a wreck or do stupid things.

It’s all about being close to Jesus Christ!

I like to tell people that I encourage them to be able to tell me, if Jesus chewed gum, you could tell me what flavor he chews, you should be so close!

One of my favorite movies is “Hoosiers” the true story about Milan, Indiana basketball team, Marvin Wood was the coach, he was played by Gene Hackman, I met Marvin when I managed WFRN in Indiana. Anyhow one of the lines in the movie is where Hackman tells one of his players, “I want you to guard him so close you can tell me what flavor of gum he chews” So today I want you to be so close to Jesus Christ, everyday, and let me know what flavor of gum he chews! LOL!

The World is searching for so many answers, the world is going nuts looking for ‘things’. The only answer is Jesus Christ and His way! Amen! No other way, the other way will cause your tires to go bald and you will have a wreck.

You see, even the American church has gotten away from the basics, that is why it is failing. It’s all about God, it’s not about that new sound system or lighting system, it’s about God. For heaven’s sake people, Jesus did not need lights, he spoke to the darkness, He IS THE LIGHT, BE THE LIGHT CHURCH! JESUS did not need a sound system, HE IS THE SOUND SYSTEM! PREACH IT IT PREACHER! I believe if Jesus was walking this earth this day, He would flip some tables around! Even in the American Church, and ask, “What have you done to MY CHURCH?”

The late Chuck Colson once said, “The Church has become a high school pep rally” Amen to that..good description.

Are you getting your meat and potatoes!

To continue about our most important relationship, we have Karen Rowe of Hope in Today with us………….she had no idea what I was going to share about, and either did I until about 5am today……..

Good Morning Dewey’s Daily Cup Readers,

Good, good morning and a happy day to you! I hope your day is wonderful! And, as we all know sometimes our days are tuff! So, may the Peace of the LORD be with you that whether you day is wonderful or somewhere in between, may you have the Grace and Peace of the Lord to get through your day well!

Peace is from God!

Grace is from God!

This is the day that the Lord has made, so as the Bible says –I know what it is to have little; and I know what it is to plentyBut have we learned completely how to live blessed; and be content with our lot?

I am learning deeper and deeper every day how to remain in my Peace from God and it begins with Salvation –which is believing from your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord; and make Him the Lord over your life!

Since we believe in Jesus Christ, we have the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Bible says, since we live by the Spirit, let us stay in step with the Spirit –so it is Peace that Jesus left us for assurance!

The Bible says, Peace I leave you!

The Bible says, as far as it depends on you, remain at Peace with everyone … IF POSSIBLE; and as far as it depends on you!

The Bible says, do not LET your heart be troubled –but rather trust God and trust also in Jesus!

Can we leave Peace too?

Yes! The Bible says, when you go to a certain place and your Peace leaves you and it is received, let it stay, but if not, your Peace will return to you!

Well, that is all that was on my heart from God to say Today –except in Closing …

You can’t afford not to open your Bible and hear God’s message to you Today!

In any situation and through every issue we have, there is a story in the Bible to mirror your life too, when we sit and pray and ask God what HE needs us to know –and then open the Bible and read God’s Word!

Do you know the Bible as the Living Word, or just a good Book to read?

Normally, I would look up these verses for you, but Today, you need to open up your own personal Bible; and I understand that this is why: You will be more blessed by picking up your own Bible than if I did it for you!

After all …

Whom IS Peace?

Whom Is Wisdom?

Whom Is Grace?


Do you know Jesus like this? Seek and you shall find!

I will offer 3 copies of my book, The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love to the first three people who respond to Dewey with just one Scripture Reference –in the honor of the Name of Jesus and the sake of the Church working together as Co-Labors for the Lord Jesus!

Dewey, Please let me know who to mail the books to!

God bless you and your family!

I hope this is a blessing to you!

Love in Christ,

Karen Rowe

Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.

The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love

Thank you for sharing Karen! We love you!

For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team.

Let us keep praying for each other and our families.



  1. Ephesians 4
    11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

    12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

    13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:


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