Another Day In America: More Shooting Deaths


It seems to me that murder is increasing in America, mass shootings, drive-by shootings……America needs God, America Bless God. America return to God.  I am just sick.  I was just in Chicago, the murder capitol of America, where a young man had just shot and killed a young college student for no apparent reason, the young man was shot in the back while running. Crimescenetapewsbt4  Myrtle Beach shootings: Myrtle Beach authorities responded to six separate shootings Saturday that left three …

Also this FGGAM News Update: (Santa Barbara, CA) — New evidence shows mass murderer Elliot Rodger emailed a rambling manifesto to his parents just minutes before he killed six people near the University of California-Santa Barbara. … A family friend says Rodger’s therapist contacted the parents to see if they’d seen the 140-page manifesto. The document titled “My Tortured World” is made up of Rodger’s rants about what he viewed as his unfair life. Police are combing through evidence gathered from the Los Angeles-area homes of Rodger’s parents. Authorities are trying to figure out why the 22-year-old man went on a deadly stabbing and shooting rampage killing 6 people before killing himself.

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