The Power of Prayer – An Unexpected Journey


I’ve prayed God’s word for many years now and I’ve seen God do amazing things.

Stephen in Cameroon
Stephen in Cameroon

When my oldest son, Stephen, was sixteen, we went on a short-term missions trip to Cameroon, Africa, together. While there, I saw the call of God on his life to minister the Word. But after we returned from Africa, Stephen began to turn away from the things of God and he began his prodigal journey.

Though I had concern, okay I’ll be honest—though I worried about him, I thought he would experience some trouble like most of us have. I figured he would go through the “I want to party and be irresponsible phase” and then eventually come to his senses like the boy in Luke 15.

I even had other people tell me, “Don’t worry Momma; he’ll be okay.” My friends with adult children went through similar experiences with their sons and daughters, and their kids finally got realistic and turned into productive members of society. I believed that would happen for Stephen.

As a mother, I prayed regularly for my son. After writing a Bible Study on Hosea, I came across a Scripture that I prayed specifically for Stephen. I prayed Hosea 2:6 which reads:

“Therefore I will hedge up her way with thorns, and I will build a wall against her, so that she cannot find her paths” (ESV).

hedgeA hedge is like a fence. It can be used to keep out things you don’t want in or to keep things in, which you don’t want to let out. In the above passage, God blocked Gomer, who was Hosea’s adulteress wife, from pursuing her own wicked desires.

God answered, however, in a way I least expected.

Stephen began drifting off. Though he drank and dabbled with drugs, he had never had a DWI, or any drug related charges.

But when we received the middle of the night phone call that he had been arrested, my mind could not conceive it. That was not who my son was or who he is. I never imagined him capable of doing such a horrible thing.

Struck hard by this tragedy, I became filled with brokenness and heartache for the losses that happened to the victims and their families. And at the sense of loss of all the potential I knew that was in my son to live a productive life.

At that moment in time, I had to make a choice —

believe God or turn away from Him.

In John 6, Jesus taught some hard teaching that many people of his time couldn’t understand so they deserted him. Jesus asked his closest disciples, “Are you going to leave me too? Simon Peter replied, ‘Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life’” (John 6:68).

I knew in my heart that there was no where else to turn.

God was and is all I have to hold onto. Apart from Him there is NO LIFE!

Nine months after that tragic night and after the middle of the night phone call, Stephen was convicted and sentenced to twenty years in state prison by jury.

So it seemed that God was not answering my prayer for my prodigal son to return  home — to return to the God of his youth.

Stephen in TDCJ
Stephen in TDCJ library

However, after Stephen’s conviction, the Lord showed me He did answer my prayer. He reminded me of how I prayed Hosea 2:6 and God literally “fenced” or “hedged” in my son by placing him in prison.

In a prison cell, Stephen repented and returned to the Lord. He began witnessing to those around him and has led other inmates to Christ. (I shared this Easter salvation testimony last year — Rejoice Over One.) Stephen has planted the word of God in men who will other wise never hear the gospel because in prison, church is optional and even if you choose to go, there are only so many seats available and it’s a first come first serve by dorm.

In the midst of my worst nightmare, I continue to chose to believe God. I decided to stand on God’s word because He loves my son more than I do.

I truly believe that if God had not “hedged” my son in and he had been released or used as a witness instead of being convicted as an accessory, he would not have turned away from the lifestyle he was delving into. And to confirm that, I recently received a letter and this is what Stephen wrote:

“I’m sure God spared me from a lot! Speaking of addictions and what not. If God had not pulled me away from that lifestyle, I would most likely gone even further down hill. I probably would have become addicted to drugs and only gotten worse. So I thank God He saved me.”

So my friends, see our prayers are powerful. God answers our prayers, but not always like we expect. We must trust that God knows what is best for us and our loved ones even when we do not understand.


Jail_CellStephen shares the love of Christ deep inside the prison walls — his assigned mission field at this time. Stephen serves in places that prison ministries cannot reach as those ministries are limited. Attending church services and weekly classes are optional for qualified inmates. Not all inmates are qualified to attend based on their behavior status.

Because of where Stephen is serving, I ask you to pray for him that he will be a light of Jesus our Savior to men that many have rejected and forgotten about. I also ask you to pray for his protection and safe keeping.

“Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself” (Hebrews 13:3 NLT).

And finally, if you have a loved one doing time, I’d love to pray for you. The family here at FGGAM would love to pray for you. You are not alone. Please leave your prayer requests in the comments and I (and/or others from FGGAM) will respond in the comments with a prayer for you.

Additional reading on An Unexpected Journey:

An Unexpected Journey

Sing Hosanna – An Unexpected Journey

From Control Freak to Jesus Freak

How I Survive the Pain of Mother’s Day

Darkness before the Light

© 2014 Shonda Savage


  1. Randal Thom sent me to you. While reading this piece, I was sobbing like a baby. You are a courageous woman of great faith. You are an awesome inspiration and reminder that God will care for each of His children exactly how they need to be cared for if we are willing to do His will. He has richly blessed your lives and I will keep you both in my prayers. Thank you so much for sharing this story and I thank God for this moving experience and message.

    • Therese, thank you so much for your encouraging words. I struggle with sharing our story, but it is really HIS story. Your kind words inspired me to keep on sharing His story. Thank you for your prayers! Blessings-

  2. Susan Ne, I agree with the addict has to want it. With that being said, my daughter didn’t want it, once she was incarcerated, and had time to think with a clear mind, she has wanted nothing more. Her words are as follows: ” I was so in my addiction that the drugs had me believing that I was entitled to do whatever I wanted and if I wanted to get high, it wasn’t anyone’s business. It didn’t matter that I would steal and lie to the ONLY person who has alway stood by me, you Mom. The only way I can explain it is, that until I could think without the influence of drugs, I forgot what normal was. I’m sorry mom, but I simply didn’t care who I hurt, as the drugs had me in their grips. I kept saying I was GONNA go to detox, I was GONNA go to treatment when in reality, I had no desire to get clean. I cared about no one and nothing, myself included. I sold my self to get money so (blank- her husband) and I could get high. The day we got arrested, he had just got an 800.00 check, and by night time we couldn’t afford a room to sleep for the night as we had spent it all on drugs earlier in the day. Had you not pursued them to catch me, I have no doubt that I would be dead today. You ask why I “flourish” in jail and treatment. It’s because I am happy mom, I have found my way back to me. I’m clean, I have God on my side, and can witness to those around me, who didn’t ever live the privileged life that I did, some of these women never had a chance mom, their mom and dads were addicts, they never had anyone who cared. I feel I can teach them that there is so much more to life than the life of being addicted. I’ve been blessed as you’ve always had my back, and instilled in me that ” it will all work out” most of them have never had that, and I am so so thankful that God put me here so that I can live and I mean really live and love again without the restraints of that nasty dope. I look back and I’m so sorry, I know I can’t change what I’ve done, but you can bank on the fact that I will never ever put another needle in my arm. There is no place for me to go but up. I don’t know if that is what you were asking, when you said why is it you just blossom and flourish in there, but it’s how I feel mom. I have you to thank for giving me life, not once but twice.”

    I just wrote word for word from a letter my RAD wrote me from prison. So yes, they do have to want it, but sometimes in the grips of their addiction they don’t even know that they want it. In my journey I kept remembering two things. Archie bunker said I don’t care what you have to do, you do. WHATEVER it takes to get between your child and drugs.
    And just so this makes sense, my HP is God. So, 2. If I give it to my HP, I have to let go and give it all to him.
    So I first, made attempt after attempt to have her put in jail for any or everything that she did that broke her probation. Also my fault she got arrested in the first place to get on probation. I kept reporting her. I wanted my daughter back. Then once she was in jail, I gave it to my HP. I know this is long, but so is all of our journeys. There are no easy answer, or easy day when the one you gave life to is in addiction.

    I copied this from where I had posted it.

    Please pray for my daughter.

    • Katherine, thank you so much for sharing your letter from your daughter. That gripped my heart. You are a strong and courageous woman whose love for your daughter is phenomenal! Yes, all our journeys are long and so glad to know God places people in our paths so we don’t have to travel alone.

      Katherine, thank you so much for sharing your letter from your daughter. That gripped my heart. You are a strong and courageous woman whose love for your daughter is phenomenal! Yes, all our journeys are long and so glad to know God places people in our paths so we don’t have to travel alone.

      Lord, I thank You for bringing Katherine on my path through FGGAM. Lord, I thank You that You strengthen her to do what she needs to do to save her daughter from the addiction of drugs. Lord, I thank You that You love Katherine and her daughter and nothing, nor even drugs, can separate them from Your love. Lord, I thank You that You are giving Katherine’s daughter life even while she is in a prison cell. And that You use the most unlikely places to bring life to those You love. You love her and fill her with Your holy presence so she can share and be a light to those around her. Lord, I ask You to place Your hedge of protection around her and keep her safe from the evil one as she shines for Your glory. We thank You and praise Your holy name. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

      Blessings to you Katherine!

    • Cyn, I’m so glad God ordained our steps to meet in NM and that He led us to be prayer partners for one another. We do serve an awesome God! Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Stephen and our family. Please let me know how I can pray for you. Hugs!

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