Refusing Responsibility



For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. Galatians 5:17  

At no point in our country’s history has there been such an epidemic of victimitis as there is today—that is, people who declare themselves powerless against their circumstances, metabolisms, or upbringings. This victim mentality prompts many alcoholics to say, “Drinking problems run in my family—it’s genetic. There’s really nothing I can do about it.”Criminals say, “Look at my upbringing. I never had a chance. It’s not my fault.” I once spoke with the war­den of a federal prison who told me that if he believed the inmates, there wasn’t a guilty man there.

 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. Romans 8:5

Don’t create or allow circumstances to develop that can destroy you. Have you accumulated crushing debt? Given in to addiction? Refused to resolve broken relationships? Take responsibility for your life. Don’t fall back on excuses like bad luck, bad genes, or bad parents.

Christians aren’t exempt from the victim mentality either; we often put another spin on our situation—we blame God for things. The seductive power of the victim mentality is that you never accept responsibility. It’s always someone or something else’s fault.

I’m not saying your circumstances, genes, and upbringing don’t af­fect who you are. They clearly do. What I’m saying is, regardless of all these things, we remain responsible for our own behavior. And more importantly, God is capable of bringing about change in any life, even yours—no matter how messed up it is.


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Mark Richardson
Founder/Pastor - Streets of Joy Men's Discipleship and Faith Based Counseling. I am certified in the following from Faith-Based Counseling Training Institute where I hold certifications in the following areas: Licensed Pastoral Counselor. Restorative Therapist. Advanced Anger Management. Chemical Dependency Counselor. Violence Intervention Specialist. Crisis Chaplain. Family Therapist. Leadership Coach. I was called into ministry in 1998 where I have had the pleasure of being a part of numerous discipleships all over the Midwest, mainly focusing on drug and alcohol addictions as well life's controlling issues. I am also a retired CEO & Founder of Sonoran Desert Investment Group - Where I made investments in start up businesses, purchased company's; reorganized them and resold. I was also a mortgage banker of real estate loans along with many individual groups of investors. Furthermore, I am a 1978 graduate from UNLV in Las Vegas, Nevada graduating with a bachelors degree in business/finance not to mention I was a 4 year letterman in football for the Running Rebels (Go Rebels!!!!)

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