Are YOU Consistent In All YOU Do?


GriffinDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

How are you today? Thank you for being with us! Love to you and yours!

Here is an email we got yesterday……

Dear Dewey,

I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I appreciate your efforts with Dewey’s Daily Cup and For God’s Glory Alone Ministries. Your commentary has always brought attention to issues on our community that God fearing people should take note of, and your attitude is one of gratitude, which we can all learn from. We all need, and indeed in many cases seek, guidance or direction each and everyday we get up and address our day. Through scripture guidance and personal philosophy, you provide that ray of hope, that beacon of light to move forward in a positive way. Your undying Faith is a pillar for any and everyone who knows you. Throughout the years I have been blessed to watch you make these programs successful with little or no assets to get started. Your tireless work to make this work is such an incredible example of Faith, hard work, and a passion for providing spiritual guidance with a positive attitude.

My family and I have endured our own special issues, family difficulties, and hardships yet, through all of it you have been a source of strength. Whether it was through your Cup, FGGAM or a personal call to let me know you are thinking of us, it always seems to be the perfect message at the most perfect time! I truly believe that there are many more like me that are affected in a positive way because of your efforts but simply don’t write in to let you know. More importantly, there are those that are facing life changing or life altering situations in their life and have reached a point of hopelessness when your message is the only hope available at their darkest hours. We may never know completely how far your reach is, and truthfully I don’t think it is important to know, but, it is important to know you are reaching them. Your continued effort will always shine the Light on that which is dark, provide guidance for the lost through scripture, cast a smile upon those who don’t think they can take one more step, and provide a platform for those seeking help to receive it with open arms. I know this only because I have seen it firsthand. Dewey, may God Bless you and your family always, and may He shine His light upon all your endeavors. It is indeed wonderful to know you are never alone.

Warmest Regards,
Rick Griffin in Albuquerque

Picture above is of Rick

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement Rick! Kind words are like honey—–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.  Proverbs 16:24

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Have you read any of Chuck Swindoll’s books? WOW! I just love the man’s writings!

I am reading again his book on ‘David’ I learn every time I read this book, just like I learn every time I read the Bible.

What is coming through to me as I read the book again, is CONSISTENCY…

I have been taught to be consistent, I was taught that at an early age, at home, in school and Sunday school.

I have a very DEEP APPRECIATION for all those that post at FGGAM and for the one’s that post most everyday. And for those that consistently support FGGAM.  They are consistent in our Lord.

I know all of you have had experience with inconsistent people. I admit, I am a sticker for consistency and I am very hard on myself when I think I am not being consistent.

Inconsistency is something I observe almost daily, even from Christians even Pastor’s.

When you say something, believe it, believe that you can do it with the Lord guiding you.

Ecclesiastes 9:10

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.

Revelation 3:15-16

“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.

Do not commit to something that the Lord has not confirmed for you to do.

People sometimes want so much to do something so bad to help, that they over commit. They commit to something they cannot do. I understand that, as I have done that.

It is better  not commit or it is better to under commit than to commit or over commit.

The inconsistency of Christians is not the testimony we want to put forward. I see people start something, commit to something and then drop out of sight, whether it’s a ministry, a program, support, family activity, counseling for themselves, stop smoking, stop drinking or whatever they may commit to.

We still post our news headlines on facebook (We plan to continue that)  and I will post a few personal notes there, but nothing like I used to. I am sadden as to how many Christians are using facebook to air their dirty laundry or the dirty laundry of others or even worse yet, use vulgar language. This all fit’s into, inconsistent behavior and a horrible testimony to an unbelieving world. Too many Christians are showing an unbelieving world just what they want to see, CRAZY OUT OF CONTROL CHRISTIANS.

I have come to the realization over the years that inconsistency hurts God.

It hurts the Kingdom.

It sure does not fit under ‘Kingdom Keepers’

I posted today a letter from Rick Griffin where he talks about the ministry of the Daily CUP and FGGAM.

17 years of consistency. Now, yes, there are some days I do not post when I get tied up with ministry work or I am out of town, for that I apologize, but I try to be consistent. People like Karen Rowe have filled in for me and I am forever grateful for that!

Many people seem amazed when I will call or email asking how they are or how the Doctor’s appointment went, they wonder how I remember, so do I! LOL!


Some days it is hard, I wait upon the Lord for the message to post on the CUP, the one HE wants me to post. I sit in front of that cold hard looking computer screen some mornings and say Lord take my fingers and land them on the keys you want them to land on! LOL! Please pray me up everyday as I prepare to post.

People want to see a consistent message, they want to see that you are consistent.

One of the reasons we are in trouble down here on earth is because of ‘inconsistent behavior’.

Even Christians.

Being now here at FGGAM, we rely on all volunteers and supporters. I have such a DEEP APPRECIATION for those that have been consistent with us now for 18 months. We also have been having new people join us and we are so thankful for that. It takes consistent people for a ministry to be consistent.

I pray that we all become more consistent for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom! Amen!

For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, family and FGGAM.

Let us keep praying for each other and our families.

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