The Word for The Day: The Lord’s Prayer


prayeringHere is a teaching from Dr. Jeremiah taken from his book, Prayer the Great Adventure………

Let us start today by reading through the Lord’s prayer…….

Our father who art in heaven.

Hallowed by Thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done.

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.

Amen (Matt. 6:9-13)

Notice the emphasis on God in the first three petitions. Thy name, Thy kingdom, Thy will. Then notice the second part of the prayer and its emphasis on the poverty of man: Give us, forgive us, deliver us. Then see how the prayer comes full circle by ending with a tight focus on God once more: Thy kingdom, Thy power, Thy glory. God has all the glory and all the power and all the majesty, and you and I have all the needs and all the wants and all the poverty. He’s got everything; we have nothing. It’s wonderful to come with empty hands to the One who is able to give us everything we need. That’s what this prayer is all about and what it will teach us if we strive to learn it’s secrets.

The Lord’s prayer is a roadmap for us to use when we pray. It’s like driving down a highway dotted to one side with signposts.

As we pass the first intersection, we are reminded that we need to acknowledge and give praise to God: “Our father who art heaven, hallowed be thy name.”

WOW! What a teaching from Dr. Jeremiah.

I think we really need to slow down when we say the Lords prayer………and get the true meaning of it………Let the Holy Spirit move within you……..

After posting……….God must increase……….we must decrease………

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