Security Official: Israel In A ‘War Between Wars’ With Iran


Iranian flag (GRAPHIC)In light of the capture this week of a ship loaded with Iranian missiles on its way to terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip, a security force gave a background briefing to journalists Thursday in which he said that the intelligence and security services of the Jewish State constantly monitors similar efforts by Iran to smuggle weapons to terrorists throughout the region. The source described the process as a “war between wars” that goes on constantly but often in the shadows, rarely being seen by the media or the general public. “Iran is maintaining major [arms transit] efforts in our area alone, for the purpose of creating Iranian hegemony in the region, and ensuring that Sunni dominance remains grounded,” the source said. As if to confirm the statement, the government of Sunni-ruled Bahrain accused Iran on Thursday of fomenting violence among the island nation’s Shi’ite residents. Read More  


  1. The West continues open up the bank accounts and hand over more frozen assets to the Iranian government without one political prisoner being released; without one halt in a public hanging; without one removal of Iranian Revolutionary Guard members fighting in Syria or training Hezbollah. The seizure of the arms shipment is a wake-up call for Washington. Unfortunately Obama and Kerry are too besotted with their hopes for détente with Iran to listen to reason

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