Pastor Alan Hawkins: The Albuquerque People And The Albuquerque Police


The Albuquerque People and the Albuquerque Police

WrittenAlan Hawkins by Pastor Alan Hawkins

As a local pastor,

I want to make an appeal to my city. We generally know that the police shooting of James Boyd does not pass the eye test. We can see that it was troubling in many ways. Further, the official explanations have done nothing to assuage the suspicion and anger that the video engenders. I had hoped the official explanations would in some way alleviate the matter and downgrade the conflict. That has not happened.

Now people are taking to the streets and worsening the problem. Let’s turn this around. Moral appeals for justice and peaceful assembly of protesters must not escalate into violent encounters, vandalism and revenge. As a Christian pastor I know what it is like to be categorized according to the worst behavior of a few constituents. One pastor’s failure is not a fair assessment of all pastors. Even multiple bad examples do not stain all with guilt. And yet that kind of language is often spoken by angry people who would say, “they are all ____.” Not true and not fair.

The police are not our enemies and they are not to be lumped together with the worst examples. We have a problem that must be addressed. We cannot address a problem by making a whole department into villains. Police risk their lives to make our lives better and by far the majority are well-ordered servants of the public interests. We are in danger of polarizing our city. As a pastor I support the police department and call for the public to calm ourselves and seek peaceful and patient redress of wrongs.

When people are angry and afraid they are the most dangerous. We must not embody fear and malice. We need to be people who confront wrongs and seek remedies. We must not return evil for evil. We must stop the cycle of pain. As an ordinary citizen I intend to speak peace and blessing to every officer whenever possible. I intend to appeal for justice without destroying order. I intend to reduce suspicion by open and honest interaction. I intend to work with all people to restore confidence in public servants and justice for all citizens.

Let’s take back our city the right way. Let’s not sow violence and suspicion. Let’s rid ourselves of this atmosphere of distrust. Let’s heal our city by operating in a spirit of compassion, understanding and hope. Let’s get a better day by better means.

Pastor Alan Hawkins
New Life City


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