Another Day Of Ministry Here at FGGAM


Reno and Rick newFGGAM was on the move today with many ministry appointments. One of our stops was to see FGGAM news reporter Rick Stambaugh. Please continue to pray for Rick in his fight with cancer. Also today we visited with Rick’s wife Sandy who is suffering greatly today with Fibromyalgia. We prayed together. Buffy and Reno loved on Rick also! Today was a day dealing with many people in pain, in the heart, soul and mind and with diseases. We command in the name of Jesus all diseases, pain, hurt and demons to be gone! In Jesus name, Amen! I want to thank Michael Holland  of the Family Life Line for helping me out today! Michael you are AWESOME! Please pray for us here at FGGAM! God Bless you all! Buffy and Rick

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