The Word for The Day: Eternity


February 11, 2014. The certainty of eternity is either a comfort or a nightmare. It depends of how you believe. Do you believe that Christ saves you and that you live in Him and Him in you forever? Are you certain that Heaven is your real home when you die? Or do you believe like Forrest Gump’s momma (in the comedic movie “Forrest Gump”) who said to Forrest, “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get?” Her view is commonly held even by born-again Christians. Do not be the ones who live their lives on earth as if there is no hereafter. Instead, desire God and lay up for yourself treasures in Heaven. If Christ is your Savior, the earth is not your home. Heaven is. Rejoice.


John 12:25-26 (NIV) “The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”  Ras Robinson


Read more on the Ras Robinson BLOG. There are many posts there that will stimulate and guide you in your spiritual maturation. Enjoy them.

with the Body of Christ and others in Central and South Texas on March 2, 2014, Milano, TX

Do you remember the “Connecting the Net Conferences” with Fullness in Christ Ministries at Milano, Texas led by Ras Robinson and Ross Cunningham? Involved were leaders like Ross Cunningham, Terry Thompson, Ron Corzine, Warren Piersol, Scott Windrum, Ras Robinson, et al


We are announcing a “Connecting the Net” Opportunity with the Central Texas Body of Christ and others who will join us . Ras and Bev Robinson will be speaking Sunday morning March 2 at 10:00 a.m. at The Master’s Gateway Church on Highway 79, Milano, TX.


Come and get connected with the saints and others in Central and South Texas. If you would like to be fed daily a brief prophetic word from Ras and Bev Robinson, you can subscribe FREE on our website . Or you can send your name, e-mail, city and state to us at


For more information about the March 2, 2014 speaking engagement with Ras and Bev Robinson, call Pastor Ross Cunningham at 979-450-0891. Or, write to us at:  All are welcome and we would love to have you join us.Ras

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