We Have An Update On This Story, Radiation Leak Detected at New Mexico Nuclear Waste Site


Update Monday at 8:47am: No workers were underground at the time and no injuries or damage have been reported. Monitors at the WIPP boundary have confirmed there is no danger to human health or the environment. No contamination has been found on any equipment, personnel, or facilities.



Reuters is reporting that radiation alarms were set off Friday evening at 11:30 pm at the nuclear waste storage facility near Carlsbad, NM. Reporting that “Unusually high levels of radioactive particles were found at an underground nuclear waste site in New Mexico on Saturday in what a spokesman said looked like the first real alarm since the plant opened in 1999.”[1]

No one knows at this point the extent of the radiation leakage, however, Department of Energy spokesman Roger Nelson says, “But I believe it’s safe to say we’ve never seen a level like we are seeing. We just don’t know if it’s a real event, but it looks like one,”[2]

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