The Dumbing Down Of New Mexico Students


Got this note in an email from Hall of Fame Broadcaster Frank Haley of KKIM Radio today: He titled it “Let’s Dumb Down New Mexico Students Even More”

A New Mexico lawmaker wants to make  it easier to earn a high school diploma. HB 66, establishes two kinds of high school diplomas, the current diploma of excellence and a new, so called, “general diploma.”

Rep. Mimi Stewart’s, (D-Albuquerque) bill lightens math and science requirements. Current state graduation standards require four years, or credits, of math in order to graduate. Under Stewart’s bill, students would only need three credits of math.

The bill also changes a standardized testing requirement that was first implemented for last year’s seniors. Currently, seniors who don’t pass the Standards Based Assessment don’t graduate unless they meet other state standards that prove they know what’s needed to earn the diploma. HB 66 would let each school district independently set those standards.

Mimi Stewart is of this world, her type of legislation goes along with more of the dark-side, introducing the legalization of marijuana. Please be in prayer for the state of New Mexico as the 30 day Legislative session is coming up!Governor Martinez and childrennew mexico legislature 2

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