See the Impassioned Moral Case Brit Hume Made Against Abortion this Week


This week marked the 41st anniversary of the most vile and immoral decision a Supreme Court ever made. The right to kill a baby in it’s mother’s womb, a place he or she should be safe.

Fox News political analyst Brit Hume made a passionate moral argument against abortion on “Special Report” on Wednesday that just may go viral. It was posted by none other than Texas senator Ted Cruse on his Youtube page this week.

During his argument, Hume expressed shock that, by some estimates, as many as 55 million abortions have occurred since the landmark ruling.

Since 1973, he continued, “science has given us an ever clearer picture of just how much of a baby a fetus is.”

week28“At 20 weeks, we know now, these tiny creatures can hear, even recognize a mother’s voice. Their toenails are growing and their hearts beat loud enough to be heard by a stethoscope,” Hume said. “The moral case for allowing such beings to be killed grows ever weaker, and it’s advocates resort to evermore absurd euphemisms to describe what they support.”

He mocked pro-abortion advocates for claiming they are just “pro-choice,” that it’s not about killing unborn babies, it’s about “reproductive health.”

We too should be willing to argue as passionately for the life of the helpless.

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