School Shootings Happening In Earlier Grades


Crimescenetapewsbt4As we pray over the injured children in the school shooting in Roswell, New Mexico, we are being told that more and more school shootings are happening in the earlier grades. I just cannot get my arms around the fact that a 12 year old would take a gun and fire on people. I try to think of the times when I was 12 years old and would be teased, or what we used to call “being picked on” We would have words exchanged and sometimes a scuffle, but gun fire never would enter our minds. I believe that society has eroded so much, that children do not have the up bringing like many of us had. Parents paid attention to us, a man was a man a women was a women, Schools were different, God was still in the schools, when we had a problem in school our parents were called and they would meet with the teacher and or principle and agree most of the time on a plan to correct behavior. Also when I was a kid, you sure did not want the teacher or principle calling your parents! There would be ramifications! Teachers also had freedom to discipline without repercussions from the courts. Common sense prevailed. Parents trusted teachers and vice versa. There was a good relationship. Bullying is not new, it has been around forever, it used to be known as,   being “picked on” I have to tell you some of that it just part of growing up. I was picked on, we have had our own children picked on, big time. But violence never occurred.  At times I would have to get involved with the teacher or principle, but that is part of parenthood, taking time for your children. Today’s children are growing up in a society that lacks good old common sense. Middle school shootings alarm experts

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