A Permanent Press To Wrinkle Our Permanent Fund


A “permanent press,” on the legislature to dip or pump from New Mexico’s permanent fund continues from those believing money is the answer to our dismal ranking among the fifty states in education of children.  The following is posted with permission of the New Mexico Business Coalition.  Take it seriously … it contains sage advice.

The Truth About New Mexico’s Permanent Fund:  The NM State Land Grant Permanent Fund currently provides about 15% of the state’s general fund.  According to Doug Brown, a former State Investment Council Vice Chairman and current Dean of UNM’s Anderson School of Management, without money each year from the permanent fund, New Mexicans would be paying at least 15% higher taxes.  Read more HERE.

Why Do People Trying to Raid the Permanent Fund Hate our Children?  Billions of dollars have been spent over the past years under the heading of ‘Head Start’ and other early childhood education titles.  Yet our children’s educational success ranks at the bottom of the nation. 

At a recent New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) event in Albuquerque, Mark Meckler, President of Citizens for Self Governance, talked about New Mexico’s Permanent Fund asking “…what happened to all the money that has been wasted and all the lives that have been destroyed….” by those now wanting to raid the permanent fund?  See the video HERE.


Mafia Tactics by Partisan Leaders:  Some elected officials and Sam Bregman, the Chairman of the Democratic Party, have declared raiding New Mexico’s Permanent Fund their top priority for the 30-day legislative session.  Many are using tactics like pushing for a constitutional amendment, which the Governor cannot veto, and THREATENING any legislator who gets in the way. 


Senator John Arthur Smith responded to the threats from Sam Bregman: “…he doesn’t believe there’s any place for an individual that is trying to be financially responsible.”   Read more here.

DON’T TOUCH THE PERMANENT FUND:   The 5.75 percent annually withdrawn from our permanent fund already exceeds a maximum 5 percent cap that prudent states and economists recommend for preservation of the fund.  New Mexico absolutely cannot allow raising the level of distributions, if we want to provide for our children’s future educational needs.

If left alone, the fund will continue to grow and distributions will increase by more than the amounts currently sought by progressives, who obviously do not care about our children’s future.

CALL TO ACTION:  We urge New Mexicans to take a stand against harming our children’s future!  Please call or email all legislators, especially those serving in leadership of both chambers and tell them “DON’T TOUCH THE PERMANENT FUND.”

Mary Kay Papen, Pro Tempore
Michael S. Sanchez, Majority Floor Leader
Stuart Ingle, Minority Floor Leader
Timothy M. Keller, Majority Whip
William H. Payne, Minority Whip

W. Ken Martinez, Speaker of the House
Rick Miera, Majority Floor Leader
Donald E. Bratton, Minority Floor Leader
Antonio “Moe” Maestas, Majority Whip
Nate Gentry, Minority Whip



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