Second Thoughts for Christmas


chiorSecond Thoughts for Christmas
From “O Come All Ye Faithful” ….” Word of the Father now in Flesh Appearing”…
This was the line that has inspired me to start on this second thought journey. We sing the first line of Christmas carols and songs almost by rote. We miss the meaning and we never look at the rest of the song. Many of these works were penned as poetic works and their writers inserted much theology and thought into the whole, not just the first few lines. During this Advent season, I’ve been challenged to look beyond the familiar lyrics and find nuggets of truth and write about them to help get a fresh look. Some are second verses, some third or fifth. So, even though this is not the second verse of the carol, it has become an afterthought.
“Word of the Father…now in Flesh appearing” … these few words sum up the entirety of the miracle of Christmas. In John 1:1 we read “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The Logos. This child born in a stable, laid to rest in a feeding trough, wrapped in rags was the Word…was God in the Flesh. The creator of the universe now totally dependent on His creation for his care. The deliverer delivered in a barn…the provider provided for by a poor carpenter and his soon to be wife…the great Shepherd surrounded by other shepherds, worshipping …. The Lion of Judah reduced to the cry of an infant… The King wrapped in rags…The Word, wordless….Almighty God, helpless….The Eternal One clothed in mortal flesh…
O Come! Let us Adore Him!
Think of what He gave up to come to this Earth because He knew that He would have to take on a frail body that would have to die on a Cross to shed blood. His own law states that without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). Sin couldn’t be wished away…ordered away…it had to be purchased. God gave Himself to the sinners to pay the price to redeem them back to Himself.
O Come! Let us Adore Him!
O Come! Let us Adore Him! Christ the LORD!

By Kim Day Kiehn

Pastor Dewey Note: We thank Angel Murchison for sending Kim our way! Merry Christmas Kim and Angel. We look forward to more Godly posts from both of you! For God’s Glory Alone!

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