The British increased taxes and in response colonists had the Boston Tea Party, December 16, 1773. In 1774, the British retaliated by blocking Boston Harbor to starve the city into submission.
“It has pleased Almighty GOD in his Providence to suffer the Calamities of an unnatural War to take Place among us… And as we have Reason to fear, that unless we become a penitent and reformed People, we shall feel still severer Tokens of his Displeasure. And as the most effectual Way to escape those desolating Judgments, which so evidently hang over us…will be – That we repent and return everyone from his Iniquities, unto him that correcteth us…
It is therefore RESOLVED…by this Congress…the People…throughout this Colony…pay a religious Regard to that Day, and to the public Worship of God thereon.” James Warren, who died NOVEMBER 28, 1808, was husband of author Mercy Otis Warren, called “the conscience of the Revolution” for her correspondence with many founding fathers.
James Warren submitted essays to the local newspaper under the name “Helvitius Priscus,” which was the name of a Roman republican who resisted the dictator Nero.
“…that assembly, who have ambitiously and daringly presumed to annihilate the sovereignties of the thirteen United States; to establish aDraconian Code; and to bind posterity by their secret councils…” ![]() Get the book, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of QuotationsJames Warren referred to theLycian League, a thriving confederation of independent Greek city-states which existed from the 8th century BC until conquered by Phillip of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great, in 338 BC: “Everyone acquainted with ancient history…turn their thoughts to the miserable fate of theLycians…
to annihilate their constitutions, and to degrade them to the most abject submission to the will of a despotic tyrant… The tyrant alleged the same excuse for his encroachment, that we hear hacknied in the streets of our capitals, for subjugating the Americans…”
“The application…is left for the consideration of every lover of his country. America has fought for her liberties…purchased them by the most costly sacrifices… And shall…her freedom be sported away by the duplicity, and the intrigues of those, who never participated in her sufferings?…mad ambition of a mind ready to sacrifice…humanity for its gratification? FORBID IT HEAVEN!…” Get the DVD Change to Chains – The 6,000 year Quest for Global Control “Let the youth of America… instead of indulging a rapturous admiration for the modern superficial speechifyers in favor of an American monarchy, let them examine the principles of the late glorious revolution… and before they embrace the chains of servitude, let them scrutinize…if their pride…will suffer them to lick the hand of a despotic master… Let him be stigmatized with the odium…the base betrayer of the rights of his country…though he may artfully have obtained an election… Let the old Patriots come forward, and instead of secretly wrapping up their opinions within their own breasts, let them lift up the voice like a trumpet, and show this people their folly and...impending danger.” Great for Thanksgiving! PRAYERS AND PRESIDENTS-Inspiring Faith from Leaders of the Past Watch Faith in History |
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