Should a Student be Forced to Run the Race with the Number 666?


Deeply embedded in the Christian psyche is the obligation to avoid the mark of the beast. Most English bibles render the mark as 666. While I personally believe that John was using the Greek number to communicate what that mark looked like, the number itself is given a wide berth by believers.

This story then is of little surprise. I wonder if she would have been given a different number had it been say 13 and she claimed to be superstitious instead of a Christian?

WHITLEY COUNTY, Tenn. (WLEX) — A Kentucky student athlete says it would have gone against her religious beliefs to run with the race number 666.

running with 666She and her coach tried to get her a different number, and were told they could not.

“I’ve trained since June for this race,” Codie Thacker said.

If she won the regional, it would have been her first time competing for the state championship.

Cross country coach Gina Croley knows her students, so when she pulled the number assigned to Thacker, she knew there might be a problem.

“I saw it and I was like, ‘Whoa,'” she said. “I don’t think she will wear that number.”

“666” is, according the the bible, the mark of the beast. Thacker couldn’t bring herself to run while wearing “666” because of her faith. So, she and her coach tried to get a different number. They asked three different officials. They were told no three different times.

Read more: WLEX


  1. God Bless you my Precious Sister. In the Olympic games in Berlin a hundred years ago there was a top rated sprinter in the 100 meters named Eric Lidel. They scheduled him to run on a Sunday and he refused because of His religious convictions. He rescheduled to run in the only heat that was open The 44O which he had never competed in nor had he trained for it. One of his opponents gave him a hand written note that said “God Honors those that honor Him.” Lidel won the gopld medal and set a new world record that stood for almost 40 years!
    Train hard for next year Codie and show them that God Honors those who honor HIM!
    Read the book or watch the movie “Chariots of Fire” Lidel went to China as a Missionary and Laid down his life for the gospel of Jesus Christ. He will be there cheering you on next year!

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